
Ed Hinton is a jackass who’s lopsided 5 part series onthe split was meant to paint NASCAR as the greatest form of racing. He's was mainly a NASCAR guy, and knows Jack shit about open wheel racing. His series is filled with inaccuracies and twisted facts 

I totally agree with everyone commenting here. The author of this article needs to research things before making dumbass statements: timeline is wrong, facts are twisted, etc. So what if Max doesn’t wanna do ovals? He’s not going to be racing next year in IndyCar anyway. He was never crazy about them. He’s not doing

The kid is a badass. He wants to win. Sign me up for his fanclub. Were any of you there to hear these "racist remarks"? Sounds like bs to me. Never seen a single word of what he was alleged to have said

Wich team is inferior now? Alonso didn’t teach anyone in Indiana about driving in’17. They had that covered for years. And maybe you should check the history of Pops Dreyer, the “ Dryer” in Dryer and Reinboldd racing, Karams team. The history goes back a lot further than McLarens...

Actually, if he bought the Juncos spot, he'd have to drive the car that was qualified, the Juncos 32. It's the car that's qualified, not the driver

Yeah, I don’t know if we’ve been watching the same show. I, for one, think it’s still a great show. If they hadn’t evolved the story and the characters, you’d still be here complaining about that. Shows must evolve so as not to repeat the same antics over and over. They're doing a great job of keeping the show fresh,

You can’t criticize PT for the way he sees things. He’s looking at it through different eyes than any of us. He’s been there for all the worst crashes, deaths, etc in the past 25 years in IndyCar: Krosnoff, Moore, Wheldon, etc. They deal with these things differently than most, because guys like PT have to put the

Look, there should be better technology available. But it takes work. And time. Right now, catch fencing is the best we have. Not a single one of you keyboard jockeys are an expert in this field. The experts are working at this. For years. The SAFER barrier was a work in progress for nearly 2 decades before it was

They’renot stuck. They stepped up to help the fans the promoter screwed. Good for the Hulman/George family