Duck Babies

A life long dream as a New Yorker and a Defender owner was to do the Rubicon Trail. When I finally wised up and moved to California, I got my chance. Over the 11 or so miles of hard 4 wheeling that is the Rubicon Trail, I watched my truck systemically destroy itself. Started with a broken rear driverside axle. Meh,

Stef, I watched all the testimony live. Although the hearing record isn’t available yet, deep into the questioning by the members, I recall that an email was put into the record reflecting that the EPA was invited to testify. In addition, Rep Beyer (D-VA), the ranking member of the subcommittee, noted on the record

Really.. so when somebody tears up your professional work- say a notable online magazine shreds your article with edits and corrections. You aren’t going to notice? You’re not going to defend yourself?
This legislation, and the enforcement/enactment thereof, is WHAT the EPA does.. your saying they can’t be expected to

No, you’re wrong. The definition of “wasn’t invited” is that you weren’t given advance notice and weren’t offered the opportunity to attend the function. Clearly, the EPA was given the opportunity to attend. That means they were invited. So the headline is factually wrong. Why do you Gawker writers go to the mat to

Because there is a MASSIVE difference between “the EPA wasn’t invited”, and “the EPA was invited but sent someone else.”

Because that quote makes it seem like they were invited, but they chose to send someone else in their stead.

This is more or less the experience of every Mini or MG owner ever.

Stef, your own article contradicts your headline. Will you please correct it to reflect the truth, rather than just one that’s click-bait?

The EPA WAS invited, and chose not to attend.

I just would like to remind everyone that the other side of the aisle had an opportunity to bring in whatever witnesses they desired to. They chose to bring in somebody from CRS.


1. Get that man into Honda, or anywhere. Or he could leave his bike at a headquarters the way Lotus did to get the Bond car gig.

I would have sued. That’s crazy, and just incompetent on their behalf. Who confuses a C3 with a Prelude?

In 1997ish I’m driving to work at ~0200 (call center life yo) in a white 91 Prelude when a white C3 Vette blows past me somewhere in the triple digits and ducks off a left exit. Didn’t think much on it. A couple minutes later the highway patrol screams up on my rear all lit up. Pull over wondering WTF is going on.

This was about 10 years ago, my first vehicle was a 1988 Ford Bronco. An old midwest hunting truck, so mechanically perfect, cosmetically... ehhh, not so much. But the rust hadn’t compromised the cabin and was mostly in the usual truck spots: fenders, tailgate, rocker panels, etc. $1,300 for American V8 reliability?

Nice Saab story.

“Minus the shitty hipster" hahaha love the humor. Looking forward to more of it!

I once bought a Volkswagen. Everything broke.

Dad, is that you?

Thats one decent tuxedo, eh guy?