
Can I finally change my WiFi network without going to fucking settings everytime? It shouldn’t be that hard. Or at least, give me the option of setting network priorities.

Per the article:

He’s the public face of one of the most influential companies in the world, and he’s an invited guest to Trump’s economic board... how the fuck is he supposed to ‘stay out of politics’? lol

If you’re allowed to post dumb comments on an article then Musk and celebrities can talk about whatever they want to

Even accepting the most generous interpretation of events, Pewdiepie’s actions were indefensible. The “joke” is that he’s dangling free money in front of poor people to get them to do racist shit. Would you think it was ok to throw change at a homeless man in exchange for him yelling a slur? Because this is no

It’s just an alternate photo, I don’t see what the big deal is.

That’s a really good ‘shop if you compare it with the original photo...

Just feed the onions to beef cows. Milk and onions, not so good. Steak and onions, delicious.

Well that’s it then. We can stop the testing and move on to the next solution. This one dude on the internet is allergic to onions so that’s not going to work. Heaven forbid he had to stop eating dairy for the sake of the fucking planet.

I don’t actually touch the key fob that much, since it mostly stays in my pocket.

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

Nah, the Prime is fine, it’s the Prius Liftback that should have sparked an emergency meeting at human resources: