Bill McNeal

As an avid OG PC Engine Duo-R owner/player/collector, this modern Duo is a godsend. Everything Analogue makes is gold but this one was the console I was hoping for the most. It doesn’t disappoint. 

Is Steam giving away Steam Decks every 15 minutes this year? If not I will pass

i am really interested to see how this does. for a multi billion dollar franchise, i’ve never actually met someone in person that saw Avatar 2 in theaters, so I don’t understand who is going to these. the first film was so bad it was basically a comedy. most people i know don’t ever talk about avatar, and they are

I mean, both movies were visually stunning with zero plot or depth, so I guess this is pretty faithful?

“Gorgeous, Fun and Empty” ... So it’s like an Avatar movie?

Of course it’s empty. It’s based on the Avatar IP, so it’s going to be marketed and over-commercialized to hell and back.

Any word on whether any weirdo kids will be sneaking on stage to drop some hateful, anti-Semitic nonsense?

Really hoping the Baldur’s Gate release is something like “and you can play it on Game Pass right now!”

WB being unable to do a proper port? Where have I heard that before?


What is there to hate about chocolate oranges? Is it the orangey flavor? I always look forward to them every year -- especially the dark chocolate ones.

RE5 would be a fun remake because as a coop game, it was a ton of fun. That said, the RE game that really, really, really needs a remake because it’s narratively far more important, it’s far older and was actually an old tank-control RE game is obviously Code Veronica. RE5 can fuck off for a bit, gimme Code Veronica. 

Mac Tonight or GTFO!

Lol, remember when their review of the PS5 was basically “Capitalism has run amock and the planet is collapsing," but when Amouranth does something, they stan a legend

What’s extra weird about this article is that Kotaku doesn’t shy away from calling out how billionaires suck and capitalism is making our lives worse in almost anything else.

Just writing to let you all know how much I don’t care about this article

How many Amouranth articles have you guys written at this point? Pretty sure the “Queen of Twitch” doesn’t need the extra exposure. Why not write some stuff about smaller streamers who could benefit instead?

Another day, another rich person with more money than a rational person could ever spend doing as much as possible to avoid having to contribute to society financially. How is this video games news? 

Streamers with “foods”, fuck off.

X is sorry......for being caught, or called out, for their shitty behavior - otherwise they’d be quietly counting money instead of loudly counting money.