I only just realized yesterday that the Portal doesn’t allow for Bluetooth audio, which just seems insane in 2023.
I only just realized yesterday that the Portal doesn’t allow for Bluetooth audio, which just seems insane in 2023.
I hope you're right, as the Portal seems like a collosal waste of money. I mean, for half the price you could buy a Backbone controller for your phone and get the same functionality, plus cloud streaming, usually over cellular data, and Bluetooth so you don't have to buy special proprietary earbuds. But if there's one…
Right. It’s a thin niche and I gotta imagine most people who would legitimately use it recognize that it’s a luxury are ok waiting for it to come back in stock at $200 rather than the insane $350.
I think this is going to be a crash an burn for most resellers. I def see a reason someone would want this but I cannot see a reason most couldn’t wait a bit for it to get restocked.
And to think this is Conroy’s last outing as Batman, after an absolutely unforgettable run in the Arkham Series, except Origins of course.
god you IT people are so awful to be around
And now I’m not straight any more. Thanks a lot.
Seriously, thanks.
Not when you need to hit a release deadline for a TV show tie-in. Ultimately it’s management that decides what bugs are acceptable to hit a release milestone.
I also suffered eye damage from looking at these hideous randomly generated jpegs.
NFT owners getting burned should not come as a surprise.
I don’t think anyone could have seen this coming.
Vessel of Hatred, brought to you by Monster energy drink!
As a working artist, illustrator, and designer for 10 years, I don’t see AI as anything other than a threat to my line of work, and a major cost cutting measure for those who run companies. It’s essentially negating the need to hire people who posses certain skills.
Ah yes, late Renaissance-era Florence, Venice, Rome, and Istanbul... All famous for their wood plank architecture and gas streetlamps.
That and the one guy quoted “no mustard and no mayo” and the next slide is like “mayo is okay”.
Yeah, me too. Sometimes I think these guys are failed edge-lord wanna be’s, trying to get a 2nd shot at it but declaring the right way to eat. They’re equally easily mocked and/or ignored.
ANOTHER Gen Z person trying to instruct me on the correct way to eat. They can all bugger right off, I eat what tastes good to me, not what some kid thinks is ‘authentic’. Wankers.
Seriously...a squirt of deli mustard or hot mustard enhances the flavor. I have never got beef from anyone for a small smear.
Yeah ILOVE mustard and can’t really stand mayo on anything other than an egg sammy.
Meh, you lost me at “no mustard”.