Bill McNeal

It’s been a bad week for game releases, first we get the worlds shitiest launch for Jedi Survivor, which surprised me seeing that the first Jedi game launched without any major issues at all. Then we get this $70 dollar turd from a studio that made some of the best games in recent years. 

This is at least somewhat promising, I’m not picking it up till down the line, but loot based shooters are an almost continual shortage in my view, so I’ll likely be getting it either way. That said, I’d been disappointed in how bad the reviews were (they’re worse than most of those games, significantly). If it’s at

Yea, those idiots I tend to just ignore. Generally whenever someone screams “woke” it’s a good signal to just go “mm hmm, sure buddy, ok. You go play with your blocks now” and move on to a different review.

Microsoft should have released this before the UK Activision decision, to point at and be like, “look, even if we get an exclusive, we’ll fuck it up anyway and it won’t affect the gaming market!”

I guess that kills the Lite model for a long while now...

Not only does the market not really exist yet, but SONY OWNS HAVE THE PATENTS IN THE FUCKING SPACE thanks to 2012 Gaikai purchase.

I think what it really came down to was the research said the deal would if anything improve competition in the console space (just look at PS5 selling insane numbers compared to series S/X) and someone higher up needed a reason to justify torpedoing the deal and since cloud has virtually no market research available

I mean, is this like convicting Al Capone of tax fraud instead of all the murder? Like, it’s the thing that held the most water compared to other reasons to block the deal because there isn’t much precedent set in the cloud gaming space? Legitimately asking because I don’t pretend to know this stuff, just speculating

Still need Sony to make this thing smaller. From a build perspective I don’t like how it’s made. I question the longevity and hope to see a major revision in the next year.

Sony thinks it’ll continue to ramp up... Unless the deal goes through for MS acquiring ABK, then Sony thinks it'll go bankrupt Worthing the week and have the Russian Mafia invading their shores to go torture all of them or something

Price increase, no pro version, barely any ‘new’ gen games, underwhelming exclusives, overpriced peripherals ... I lot of people bought a ps5 just because their ps4 was dying or they wanted the slight increase in performances (mainly loading time). Honestly I’m quite disapointed in Sony and the other console makers

I like the PS5 but the cynic in me feels the current-gen still hasn’t really started yet, there’s still lots of overlap with last-gen. Spidey 2 should be fantastic, but I’m really, really, really interested in Wolverine. 

Had this same realization, that it seems like pretty soon the only reliable games coverage we’ll have is coming from fucking Bloomberg of all places.

Jeez, don’t remind me of 1up. That still hurts all these years later.

This is so miserable. I’m gutted by this. Fuck capitalism, go home.

It’s the signoff message at the end of the podcast.

Tragic. Absolutely tragic.

Fuck, so many, many, many hours of entertainment from the crew. Hoping they can throw a private pod together a la triple click.

This sucks so, so much. I will miss Waypoint Radio most of all. I hope eveyone lands on their feet and keeps doing stuff where I can continue to follow them.

“This is why the incel community will never start a movement and bring about change. It only takes one hoe to sacrifice herself and give some crumbs of pussy and the whole movement would collapse due to too many betraying,” another distraught incel wrote.