Bill McNeal

No, I don’t think I will.

It is Square Enix, who are happily still trying to push NFT’s as game features and just cancelled like 4 of their new “live service” games in a row. They don’t have a shred of self awareness about how they’re treating FF7, an anti-capitalist eco-terrorism game where their spinoffs are gleefully using “Shinra Bucks!”

What do you think, McCarthy, can you give me a number crunch?

How? Have Dems vote for a Republican house speaker?

Bravo to this man. Now get to fixing the broken mess our country has devolved into. Please and thank you. 

In tomorrow’s news; Logan Paul challenges Coffezilla to a boxing match. 

Late 90s: Squaresoft nearly goes bankrupt due to a wildly ambitious CGI movie, merges with Enix to survive.
2024: Square Enix nearly goes bankrupt due to wildly illogical push into pyramid schemes, acquired by Epic purely so that Cloud and Sephiroth can be in Fortnite

I'm just waiting to see if this blows in their faces at this point. 

“ Like I give a shit. “ - Square probably

Man, it sucks these companies keep pushing NFTs. They’re not one redeeming quality for them within a video game for the player.
Thanks to all of the latest Crypto scams and NFT crashes, it seems like the majority of people see them for the scam they are.
Not one single gaming system that uses NFTs in any way has been


I hope the pushback continues so it doesn’t become a new norm

This was a stupid non-article.

Attention-whores. Attention-whores as far as the eye can see.

I watch this video and cannot believe how pathetic so many men are these days. No, these folks aren’t worthless, but so many frustrated men (and it is mostly men) see these outsized superficial male personas (in Trump, Elon, Kanye, Andrew Tate, Logan Paul, etc.) who have a lot of money/women/power and are easily lured

Logan Paul, a shining beacon of virtue and honesty, a scammer?


Rob, or Helicopter Bob, one of the victims Coffeezilla video-chatted with, said he lost “just under $7,000 with CryptoZoo”

I don’t even see how it was a game? it just sounds like NFTs that fuck. Like what was the gameplay supposed to be?

These stories just aren’t as fun anymore now that most of the crypto simps seem to have gone quiet following their “investments” crashing and burning recently. The comments just aren’t the same without them telling us how we just “don’t understand” (just ignore the fact they themselves can’t explain it) or how this is