Just mentioning Don Ho reminds me just how old I really am.
Just mentioning Don Ho reminds me just how old I really am.
The Big Bopper Burger.
I’m sure the only conversation she had about this was along the lines of “Ew, McDonald’s? How much are the payin’ me?”
But McDonald’s is trash food
I think the last game of their's I bought was Singularity.
I honestly thought that's who it was going to be before I read the article, especially because Amazon got in trouble for doing just that recently.
Big Mac, four-piece Chicken McNuggets, medium fries, medium Sprite, Tangy BBQ Sauce, and “Saweetie ‘N Sour” sauce
this is like the only correct response to this shit. i don’t want to build a machine, i want to play one.
Yeah cause you put in a chair dingus.
So... do we have a new corporation to call the most evil company in America now?
One of these days, they’re going to release a meal from a musician that I actually listen to. It’ll come with an Ensure and stop being served at 5:30.
you really didn’t have anything better to do than report pointless tiktock shit?
Good to know I’m apparently a freak, then. As I’m usually half through a large popcorn before the previews end and the actual movie even starts.
“ but you won’t finish it” you don’t know my life.
Dismissed out of hand due to the TikTok factor.
It’s a Tik Tok video so I am sure it’s fake.
I don’t know what theater this video came from (since I can’t watch it) but Regal Cinemas has clear size differences. And some Regals have half-price popcorn on Tuesdays...