Bill McNeal

Blizzard is building up a track record for abusing human rights.

I know an article is going to be pretentious when it has the word “umami” in it. I know it is going to be pretty much unbearable when it has been used 3 times, and stop reading.

Been watching their stock and it hasn’t seem to have taken any sort of hit.. Guess people aren’t willing to sell that off...

“This happened years ago” is essentially their excuse.

Oh well then it certainly must not be true. All these people are clearly lying and the woman that committed suicide clearly faked her death.

I’m really hurting this morning. World of Warcraft has been an enormous part of my life for 15+ years, and this morning I made the decision to cancel my subscription until Blizzard can show me they are doing real work to clean their house. I don’t know if that’s possible, honestly.

In a particularly tragic example, a female employee committed suicide during a business trip with a male supervisor who had brought butt plugs and lubricant with him on the trip.”

Feels exactly like the kind of response you get from every conservative outlet there is. Like it was written by the comm shops at Fox News or the Trump admin. No wonder Bobby Kotick was hiring so many Bush and Trump-era conservatives. They’re going to refuse any responsibility and blame the victims for their own

Sort of makes it really awkward that there’s like 50 NPCs and quest lines in WoW named after him

HR is proof that management isn't against unions so long as they're the ones getting protection.

That’s corporate-speak for “We are VERY UPSET that our corporate lobbyists were unable to make this go away by threatening to withhold corporate PAC money”

They’re more than free to leave the state and head to Bermuda or Barbados to be with the shell companies they set up to avoid taxes.

It is this type of irresponsible behavior from unaccountable State bureaucrats that are driving many of the State’s best businesses out of California”

Timeshift is so forgotten, you can’t play it. I bought it on Steam, but turns out it will only run on dual core PCs.

I think about Singularity more often then a lot of old story driven FPSs. It had some really well thought out plot devices and the whole time-loop being your own savior paradox still really messes with my head.

Kinda surprised Dark Void didn’t make the list, aside from being one of the table entries in the shooter genre.

Singularity was a great game. Raven even teased the possibility of a sequel about six years ago, but nothing ever came of it.

Upscale resort town in Spain checking in. They. Are. Horrible. I have stopped going to the restaurants at night because I nearly went across the bar at an asshole a while back. They’re just...mean. They are trying to hurt others. They are also NOT our regulars - several staff have commented that these are mostly local

I didn’t know what to expect from Luca. It seemed to have dropped out of nowhere (albeit I hadn’t been keeping up on movie news) and I figured I’d give it a shot one night. Yeah, I heard about a “supposed” allegory or how there was a ‘message’.

I am a proponent of dill, but try all of them. A good way to test is some peanut butter on a saltine cracker with a slice of pickle on top. That way you do not have to be invested in a whole sandwich. (I on occasion will make a snack plate of these, and like Claire said a classic hamburger chip works well on this)