Bill McNeal

I’m a heavy magic the gathering player and yeah signatures tend to LOWER the value of cards rather than raise them. this is because there are only a certain number of pristine examples printed and every time you get a card signed or the card gets damaged that number of pristine cards goes down. If you buy and sell tcg

The Sonic porn fandom be like:


To the tune of the SEGA chant: “GET FUUUUCKED”

As Mark Twain famously opined, “if you don’t read the news, you’re uninformed. If you read the news, you’re misinformed. If you exclusively consume unauthorized Sonic the Hedgehog porn, by god you’ve threaded the needle.”

I hate trolling.

You might not like it but this is what peak patriotism looks like.

The internet is a horrible, ugly place. But sometimes... sometimes, it’s downright beautiful.

I mean, this is what Trump gets for saying “Prowers: stand down and stand by”

““Stuff,” indeed. So far GETTR’s moderation safeguards haven’t stood a chance against the NSFW Communist mpreg onslaught,”

Moderation safeguards.”
Free Marketplace of Ideas.”

Pick one, Chuds.

Oh, and in addition to this, GETTR is a network security nightmare. Security specialists are warning people to stay away from the sight because it has a ton of security holes, and your data will most likely be stolen.

Ya know, I’ve always been annoyed at the weird fetish part of the Sonic fanbase infecting platforms, but this is hilarious. It's like this is its moment to shine

Not to mention that most of these scalpers are only able to get this stuff by using bots. So they’re not even waiting in line or getting lucky like the rest of us.

All of this is terrible.

Resellers SUCK. And this part:
But he concluded that it was permissible because his son only resells luxury goods, not necessities.”

Sure... whatever it takes to make you sleep better for not teaching your child good morals. &^%$ that guy.

Sandler should have stepped aside for an actual trans actor.

We always knew Sandler was lazy, but being so lazy you can’t even spend a couple of days in a recording booth to get paid millions of dollars?

The truffle world, I hear, is skeevy as fuck. Shit gets that expensive, you’re gonna get some weirdos and thugs.

Oof, I gotta fight you on that.

From what I’ve seen of the comparisons to the older sprites, the new [sprites] largely reserve black for an outline, so there’s less distinction between parts of the sprite.