Bill McNeal

My Italian mother was a good cook and had a nice way with veggies. No matter. Growing up on a farm, getting home from school, and then feeding/tending animals and mucking stalls, etc... By the time dinner rolled around we were NOT picky—we were HONGRAY. That was the basic strategy. We might get a snack but mostly it

A new study published by Aiden and Luna from Mrs. Kendall’s class indicates that spreading your vegetables around your plate makes it appear as if you have consumed 68% more than if you just leave them in a pile.

Honestly is still embarrassing to try and compare the two services, Game Pass is just head and shoulders above and beyond anything right now. 

You are like, the most reasonable Kotaku commenter and I am into it

Just because we weren’t going to buy something, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be able to.

“He talks a lot about food”

uuuuh, you are probably the reason why this guy is in trouble lol, you know, making a case for Ubisoft profiting out of this dude’s plagiarism and all...

Fuck it. Let’s all just stop making fan art, and deprive any appreciation for the things we like. Completely subdue any evidence of the idea that anybody cares about an IP. We’ll stick strictly to original ideas and keep our study pieces to ourselves. When they pump out another Star Wars-something we can all scream

Brands don’t deserve the loyalty of fans and this is why. Fan created maps based on a 20 year old game only provides free advertising for MGM, there is nothing malicious or profit making to be had by the fan here.

Nintendo Makes Revisiting Classic Metroid Games A Huge Hassle”

Not only is the game very laggy (on PS4), but the lag seems to have pronounced AI and ability consequences. If I commit the unpardonable transgression of dying in a boss fight, I can expect to have to run around for a good 15 or 20 seconds while my character and enemies fully render before I can meaningfully start

First, In-N-Out is better than Shake Shack. Less expensive and a better burger. Probably the best “fast food” burger I’ve had. If you are ever out west and looking for this type of food, give them a try.

5 guys is literally twice the price of In n Out. Which also sounds like a set of options at a Vegas bordello.

I think we talk about In-N-Out so much as a response to hearing endlessly about the eastern fast food and fast-food-adjacent chains that get a looot of talk from a predominantly east-coast focused media. I’ve read plenty of stories here about White Castle, Culvers, Steak n’ Shake, White Castle, Waffle House, Wawa,

Yeah...early on, a lot of publications were looking at this from a “a bunch of redditors are sticking it to wallstreet” which wasn’t true in the slightest.

Remember kids: New money tends to smell an awful lot like old money.

Don’t get me wrong, as a SoCal native, I love In N Out and I agree that their fries aren’t that great... but, 5 Guys is overpriced mediocre food at best.

Of course not. It’s the filmmakers who are wrong.

Could it be the writers were easier to enchant in Pixar’s earlier years?

Wow.  I was the writer of 'Racial Sensitivity'.  Had no idea the show had this kind of following.  By the way ABC treated us, I didn't think it had any following at all.  Thanks for all the love.