
A) I love how petty this post is. I mean that. Saying that the reading and commenting experience on G/O Media sites has taken a massive shit in recent years would be an understatement.

It never went away, it just got it’s own channel!

I mean, if you really wanted to justify Shepherd existing in some sense six centuries later, there’s the fact that Shepherd already died once and she was retrofitted with considerable cybernetics to bring her back. Plus, in 2/3 of the viable endings she merges, in a sense, with the God-Computer.

But what will I do with a site that's not pushing video aggressively

Well, do I have some news for you... It’s still going, just Patreon supported:

Hell yeah, I’m surprised you guys are allowed to post this. I gotta clear up some funds for their subscription. Maybe I have some Patreons I’m not paying attention to anymore.

I feel like Spirittea gets by on concept far more than aesthetic. When I first heard about it I was pretty interested. But when you lean so heavily on Spirited Away comparisons to push your game, you kinda need to back it up with a decent look, and Spirittea frankly is not there.

So if I build a house out of playing cards, am I cheating?

Because making a different use out of something you OWN should be your own damn business and nobody else’s.

Been really enjoying playing through Like a Dragon Ishin! over the past few weeks.

Even if that argument wasn’t complete BS (spoiler alert: it is, I hate git gud gatekeepers) why does it matter? At worse, people who use mods, might be degrading their own experience. But it is something they paid for and should therefore be able to experience it however they bloody well like.

Is this really your first time learning about new things? Wow. Congrats, I guess.

It’s pretty simple: They can’t profit from the solution to the problem “game “design choice (XP Boosters & resource packs) they created if you mod the problem out of the game yourself.

If anything, that mod humiliated Capcom at their own event, hence why this apple-to-oranges argument from them.

Except for that moment a few months ago when a Street Fighter tournament commentator had that Chun Li nude mode active on his PC. It’s true that it was a client-side only mod and the other player did not see it at all, but it was shown to everyone watching that stream and media outlets picked up on it.

This article felt a tad misleading.  They are just saying, from an internal control aspect, they bucket Mods and Cheats together.  Not that they are against Mod’s in general.

So what exactly is wrong with me ‘cheating’ on a single player game because you guys effed up the game design? Or because I want Leon dressed like Batman?

Wow mah brodas! Capcom breaking records in “BS per paragraph”.

The first yakuza like a drafon was also on gamepass I think.

You mean he didn’t write the article just for you?! PSH. What a newb!

Great to see Like A Dragon Gaiden on there. Is this first Like A Dragon/Yakuza game to go on Game Pass on release?