
The narrative wasn’t particularly original

I appreciate the vagueness lol. I too maxed my stamina, and I think I have the paragliding acceleration you’re referring to.

There are some skylands that require more creative methods to reach, which aren’t near Skyview Towers or other skylands.

I think it really depends on who is defining “exploit.” A quick Google search seems to confirm I’m in the right ballpark.

My heart goes out to the old school Zelda fans. It always hurts when development goes in a direction you don’t care for.

High-percentage discounts on digital storefronts are meaningful because maintaining full launch price is the standard and closely comparable options for purchase don’t exist. Reason it out however you want - I think it sucks too - but it doesn’t change the system.

that’s a curling iron

Yeah, why risk breaking a shield with surfing when you only have 7 or so backup shields? /s

melded extra bows onto weak shields

But everything in TotK is a weapon and tool?

A friend of mine is decent at finding minor glitches and exploits. He says it’s a matter of experience. Once you learn common elements where many games get finnicky, it’s easier to target those areas for exploits. Then it comes to trial and error experimenting around those elements.

I learned about those before seeing one move. I had my camera out, facing some trees - I froze upon seeing a gigantic frame with “Evermean” at the top. Very scary indeed.

It’s easy to look at this gore in a vacuum and be concerned about someone’s mental wellbeing. I’m sure there are people for whom there should be concern, but I think most of us just love detailed physics and/or dissection.

Most of us Americans also think America is bat-shit crazy about guns. The problem is corruption spread so wide and far that nothing can be done. There are too many lead-poisoned fanatics who buy into the fear-mongering, and too many lined pockets that are eager to uphold the message for that sweet payday.

I really hope this comes to PC. I loved What the Golf? but I don’t have an iphone and have no interest in supporting Apple.

Yeah... refusing to let the team learn from others’ (Destiny’s) successes and failures is a neon red flag that those managers should never be in charge of projects, or even other people, ever again.

For sure. I’m just trying to help get the word out that we’ve been swindled.

I’m convinced the management for Bethesda development is allergic to compelling game design and fresh ideas. Each time they release a new Elder Scrolls or Fallout, they pare down the depth in exchange for mass appeal via gimmicks that are often just the most popular community mods from the prior release.

Really not important, but I need to chime in to clarify because Anthem is a sore spot for me:

I don’t think any reasonable gamer likes exclusives. When done intentionally, it’s a purely capitalist strategy to sell more consoles. It’s only ever a downside for gamers. Anyone who believes there are benefits have been sold snake oil.