It’s here where prior knowledge of which gunpowder combo creates which ammo
It’s here where prior knowledge of which gunpowder combo creates which ammo
Huh. I was super turned off of Infinite once they announced the mangler nerf, but the buffs have me intrigued. Maybe I will play it again.
So since Sunday Comics won’t be around anymore, could you or someone else bump it forward and do Monday Comics or something?
Ah yes, victim-blaming - the best take.
There’s a really notable difference: Sean eventually delivered on his promises.
lmao thanks for sharing
Welp, now I have even less reason to come back to Infinite.
I was hoping the same so I clicked his profile - he’s still posting articles.
Anyone know why Sunday Comics hasn’t been posted for two weeks?
I dunno, I shopped there plenty 13ish years ago - the portion sizes and food quality both left me wanting.
I never took issue with them caring about profit. My issue is they increasingly seem to only care about profit.
It’s important to remember that game development is never separate from the publisher. Nintendo is very well practiced at making games people love to play, but the business practices around those games are getting more neglectful and/or profit-centric over time.
I think this is the straw that, to me, groups Nintendo along with the likes of EA and Ubisoft, etc.
A lot of people thought poorly of BL3 for some reason. My theory is that everyone got older and more mature and for some reason expected it to not be Borderlands?
Can’t tell if you’re joking.
Some devs just want to watch the world burn.
To your point about feeling left out, there’s also the calculation of playing something at launch for social inclusion vs playing something once all the bugs have been fixed. It can sometimes feel good to abuse OP things at launch before they get nerfed, but that’s usually outweighed by bugs.
Between an ever-growing selection of great indie games and consistent inflation while wages don’t increase to match, I wouldn’t be surprised if fewer people pick up games at launch. At least, those are my two biggest reasons.
As much as I appreciate the angle you took, I would have much more appreciated a comprehensive list of the “obvious picks” included in the bundle, or at least a link to somewhere that already made such a list.
Leading with “sweetheart” made it sound like you were going somewhere, but then you immediately turned around and decided to go nowhere.