
That's my prediction, going back to like episode 2 or 3. I'm gonna be posting I told you sos all over the place when I'm right.

Which part was dissent? The part where she took off her clothes, the part where she had sex with him, or the part where she stayed overnight?

What the hell were you watching? I guess you can find any opinion on the internet.

He spent years on it.

Yeah, Sheriff Bill is definitely on Fargo's payroll. So is, apparently, the dirty cop who gave them the pictures. I think he assumes the Sam Hess killing was connected to organize crime, so he didn't want to go anywhere near it and aggressively pushed Molly away from the case. He rewards her insubordination by bribing

No it's not a fucking discussion, it's a big bold headline on the front page that appears for everyone. How exactly do I reply to a headline? Does it also appear on the front page? No, your issue is that you THOUGHT people were complaining about spoilers in the discussion when they weren't and now it's too late to

That's 100% horseshit. The headline is on the front page in big bold letters. You can be coming here to look at a music review and still see it. There is no "talking amongst ourselves" going on.

Why do you keep saying "Discuss"? The headline on the front page with the spoiler isn't a discussion, it's a monologue.

Why are you addressing this to me? Maybe you have a reading comprehension problem, or maybe you meant to reply to someone else.

It's a free country. You can be a shitty person if you want to.

I'm not suggesting Hannibal needs double coverage. I'm saying that AV Club manages to not spoil GOT in headlines, but with Hannibal they can't help themselves. Based on his responses in this thread TVDW just doesn't give a shit, which kind of explains everything. I just have to keep that in mind: either delete this

The headline is plastered all over the homepage. The only solution is "don't visit AV Club ever."

It's not at all unrealistic. I use the Game of Thrones/ASOIAF community as an example because we have people who haven't read the books interacting freely on a daily basis and somehow we manage to not accidentally let slip every single thing that happens. Here, I load up the homepage and there's a big fat spoiler in

We draw the line at "don't be a fucking dick and spoil people on the story." If you recommended a book to someone, no matter how old, would you immediately tell them the ending? "It's great, just wait till you get to the part where George shoots Lennie." If not, why would you broadcast it on the internet to millions

They aren't coming here necessarily for Hannibal. The headline shows up no matter where you go on the site. The only solution is "never go to the AV Club" which I don't think is the goal here.

Look, I'm a frequent poster in various ASOIAF/GOT communities and we put in the effort to mark spoilers and keep them out of headlines. It's not that difficult, yet the AV Club seems to constantly have this problem. The real issue is that the headline is broadcast in bold letters on the homepage to anyone regardless

Scrambled eggs with cheddar, mixed into a bowl of Frank's Red Hot. Two hamburger patties (no bun) with a pepper jack patty melt, pan fried. Stacked the burgers, diced them, mixed them into the egg/hot sauce mixture. Never eating anything else again.

I'm pretty sure he's in on it in some capacity. Maybe not with Malvo, but with Hess's associates. It's not just that he's dismissive of the case, it's that he seems nervous when Molly pushes it. When he took her off the case, he wasn't mad or impatient. In fact, he tried to bribe her by making her the lead on the