
I know we’re not allowed to play the “perfect victim” game but if the bit is true about hitting him up for a $7.5 million blackmail and THEN going forward to accuse him as a Jane Doe? Oof. Consider this narrative controlled, Horatio Sanz’s legal team.

I was worried the world had passed me by, but then I read literally every comment on this terrible thing that I’m sorry to admit I wasted time reading, and it appears that everyone has had the same basic reaction, which seems to be some form of “I can’t believe I wasted a part of my life reading and thinking about

“there is something to be said for the fact that Marvel jumped at the chance to replace a Black man with a white woman in its promotional materials.”

Shut down the thread.

So that’s why he’s called Winnie the Pooh.

Well lucky for him and his mental health issues, he is going to be in a comic book movie. Whose fans are always the most warm and sane people who love everything about the movies and are never vocal assholes on the internet :)

I know you guys are going way the hell out of your way in pretending you weren't dumping on her ten years ago, but describing someone who's pumping out the most generic shit imaginable as "one of pop's most exciting artists" is beyond the fucking pale.

Part of me feels like you should have waited till tomorrow to post this.

When did Hollywood decide that adding or subtracting a “The” was sufficient to distinguish between movies, even if they came out only a few years apart and feature overlap in casts? Anyway, I hope you all buy the debut album from my band, Beatles.

Like I said, it looks like it’s genre is “nostalgia.” 

Ghostbusters 2016 was not a perfect movie and maybe did not need to be made.

As I mention here sometimes, I’ve written for the film industry and have close friends who have been upper-tier production people for over thirty years. Kilmer has acted like a huge asshole on many sets over the years, and it’s not because he’s so committed to his work. It’s because he’s a self-satisfied asshole.

Even though I’m a longtime Jon Stewart fan and I think Trevor Noah is a worthy successor, I’d still like to be able to see the Kilborn-era shows. Colbert said in an interview that they’re all gone, although I think( and hope) he might’ve been joking.

The progress of the first African American rapper from Texas on the cover of the SI swimsuit issue is just historic. Can you imagine a world when only an African American R&B singer from Texas was on the cover of the SI swimsuit issue? This is the progress in the world we need.

Where is the “first clothed woman” on the cover?

It is a game changing girlboss flex!

Mainly posting to note that Bruce Springsteen has essentially vanished off the air in the Southern California market.

Id call this a Monkeys Paw situation, but that implies Space Jam 1 was good.  I'm not sure what anyone was expecting. 

This is why they should’ve spent 10 years building up the Looney Tunes Cinematic Universe first.

i take it you haven’t spent as many hours kissing mirrors in drag as i have.