
This seems like one of those patented AV Club “scandals” that nobody actually gives a shit about. The dead giveaway is the random switch halfway through the article from the mock outrage about lesbian nuns fucking with a religious symbol to the mock outrage about the lack of “intimacy coordinator” on set to the mock

These two people have no kids - did it never occur to the wife that she can just DIVORCE the guy? Nah. Far better to MURDER Kevin for the sole crime of being the same guy he was on their wedding die.

I just returned home from watching the movie in a packed theater. The tag scene elicited three responses from the audience, who mostly already looked annoyed sitting through almost 10 minutes of credits:

“I’ve got all five senses and I slept last night. That puts me six up on all of you.”

Mmm hmmm...  We know why you wanna be their third.

Would have liked more of an explanation for how this works and less construction montage.

If only there was some way you could not watch this.

I’d like to think I could fix their marriage as their third.

Would you rather she try to be a social media influencer or something else equally obnoxious? This is the first time in my life I’ve heard of Jessica Springsteen. Riding on the back of a horse is pretty low on the annoying list when it comes to the activities of the children of celebrities. 

It’s been out for like 3 hours, how am I supposed to have the context for this article? People have jobs.

You mean like Logan?

Hey, we all fawned over the childrens choir cover of Creep ten years ago. It’s all cyclical, baby; in twenty years you’ll be complaining about contemporary music on the collective neuralNet.

I hope that one of these days Marvel will take these reviews to heart and finally make the quiet, contemplative film everyone is supposed to be asking for but does not want to see

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought they totally whiffed that big “one-take” action scene at the end, lol. If your big choreography sequence requires both leads to stop dead in the middle of the street for like half a minute, for no discernible reason, while a literal apocalypse is happening around them you

I can’t say I have anything particularly against the guy - I’ve never been a fan of wasting my energy hating things that aren’t actively problematic - but I also really, really don’t get why he’s as big as he is. He’s like this generation’s Shia Lebeouf - like, he’s not wholly without talent, but he keeps getting cast

Looks like Santa came early this year!

There are like 4 sketch ideas here done over and over and over again.

Only watched the first episode so far. While I liked the “Baby of the Year” sketch, it doesn’t bode well if that’s the best this show’s got.

Outside of the Instagram skit, The will Forte seeking revenge skit, and “The Day Robert Palins Murdered Me”, my fiancee and I were underwhelmed.

At this point AVC’s hype for this show looks a lot like shilling. It’s...just ok at best. Way too many of the sketches revolve around one character acting like a jerk and creating an absurd conflict that then plays out for two minutes, and those “fighting” sketches are some of the highest on your list.