
Hopefully during her first episode.

It looks like Ronald McDonald without makeup.

Goodness. Sounds like a brotha needs some grape soda, Popeye's fried chicken and a nap, yo.

same thing, no difference, except Taco Bell doesn't leave lawn clippings in a "real" taco.

Finn - "Hey Poe could you help with some lightsaber training". Poe - "sure, no problem. Let me see it for a second" Finn -"That's not my lightsaber." Poe - "I, know."

taco bell?

Styrofoam skulls, a fake wood wheel, a plastic 2 liter bottle, wow that big metal sword sure can cut garbage, lol.

This scene was one of the dumbest in the entire crap filled movie. How was she able to fly the Falcon so easy? They never explained. There's so many plot holes in this movie, plus killing off Han at the end was the single worst idea.

Got it, you don't know either, thanks blackie. ;)

Why do you care so much, settle down, she'll find another job at McDonald's or some other fast food place.

She's about a 2 out of 10. If she was cuter, she wouldn't have been fired.

Who is Pookie? And what does that black fatty have to do with this article?

His hats are too big for his tiny white head.

Still faster than a Xbone.

Cleaning my liter box?


Darky is darky, who cares it's all the same.

At least he's not black.

That Wonder Woman is pretty hot, I may need to buy one for "research purposes".

Where's her ass?