
Catwoman should never be black.

Some were pretty good, but that black Ulala from Space Channel 5 about made me throw up, yuck.

What's up with all the blacks, cosplaying as white characters?

Like you could do any better, dumbass.

There's not any well known black videogame characters, that's why there's no black cosplayers.

No, to white people who are fans of that character, but black people don't care if your fans and will play the racist/racism card every time as usual.

Get off your black soapbox, Spike Lee is a hack and a 1990's throwback has been, there's nothing wrong with BLACKFACE. Whiteface on the other hand is vile and disgusting to look at.

Blacks can get away with whiteface and call it artistic expression. White people can’t use blackface at all because blacks say it’s racism. That unfortunately is the crappy PC time we live in.

Sounds like you partner is doing it wrong.

Those four retarded women don't deserve the name Ghostbusters, it will fail miserably, they need to stay in the kitchen where they belong.

Needs more afro on the black one.

Now they need to make a life size one, yummy.

Can't wait for the nude mod for that.

Just playing for the naked mod. Don't care about the writing, just the boobies.

I bought 14 total this morning, already paid for. All going on ebay.

That was a very "black" comment. lol.

You can catch me on, if you want to discuss how JRPG's are taking over a little more every year, your point of view couldn't be more wrong. Gamers need more American games, not more Anime, JRPG, crap games.

LOL, dumbass.

All these Weeaboo shit games need to disappear, I'm sick of these shit JRPG's every year. We need more Halo, Call of Duty, and American games.

You poor little thing, while you cry to mommy about how bad these devil games are, I’ll gladly import the collectors editions of every one of them, play them just as they were intended with NO censorship. I hate to burst the PC bubble you live in, but Japan will always have this “fan service”, just shut your mouth,