Sho'Nuff, The Shogun of Kinja

Obviously a tragedy but there are aspects that are important to understanding what happened and why. The police were at the correct location (this wasn’t a mistake in houses) because the police had info a drug dealer was stashing his drugs with Breona and her boyfriend. I think no knock warrants should be illegal but


People actually watch Seth Rogan movies?

Even southerners recognize that he was vastly overrated as a warfighter. Stonewall Jackson was the brains behind his operations. Lee lost every engagement after Jacksons death. In terms of him being a “gentleman”- in my many years living in the deep south, I never once heard him referenced as being a benevolent slave

For a guy that left his wife and kids as soon as he became famous so that he could date younger, more attractive women, Kimmel sure claims the moral high ground a lot.

Quite a forgiving take on a deranged multiple murderer. Since the author is making excuses for Brodericks behavior, is it too early to make excuses for the Mcmichael’s behavior in killing Arbery? Clearly they were distraught by the multiple burglaries in the area over the previous year, so we should be much more

Your memory is incorrect. It’s not the word “chicken” that he has a particular aversion to, it’s any insinuation that he’s a coward.

They could have just made huge donations like most rich people (and taken a tax deduction!) but they are such selfish pricks that they would rather risk jail time and pay hundreds of thousands to make sure ONLY their kids could benefit. Also, my guess is they knew their children were unbelievably dumb that the chances

They are replacing her with a plank of wood.  It is a significant talent upgrade. 

It looks like he’s about to catch her in a rear naked choke in the photo 

Qaddafi was one of the biggest sponsors of state terrorism. He had an secret nuclear weapons program. He was behind the 1988 bombing of Pan Am 103.  You can turn off your SJW radar on this one. 

Lawrence got many roles with the “help” of Harvey Weinstein. Of course, I’m there was no quid pro quo, he just liked helping a nice pretty girl from Kentucky out of the goodness of his heart.  

Is it just me or does the lady in the photo have a miniature head?

“What would Brian Boitano do?”

Well, on the bright side at least we're almost out of sci-fi properties he can ruin.

“Unearned”? Pure nonsense. They set up the face turn from the beginning of the 1st movie. Why was Luke hidden away? Because his Vader (his dad) would come looking for him. We don’t know Vaders his dad so the audience thinks it must be to kill him. Empire shows that he wanted Luke because he wants his son to rule the

The Squid and the Whale is a sh!tty pretentious movie. Ill spoil the highlight for you- angsty preteen upset about bad parents jerks off in his hand and rubs splooge all over library books. Dont waste your time.

You are reading way too much into the movie if you think that’s the message. I know it triggers a lot of people that are desperately looking for things to be outraged about, but it’s just a silly movie that satirizes our current society. There is no eugenics message except as a narrative device to fast forward to a

Dude drank aquarium cleaner.  He's a Darwin Award winner.  Prez off the hook for that one.