Sho'Nuff, The Shogun of Kinja

Yes and yes. It’s called the Dunning-Kruger effect. It’s a cognitive bias in which people believe that they are smarter and more capable than they really are (low ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence). Many celebrities don’t have more than a high school education (case

Sorry, white non-Spanish speaking person. The language is gendered. Latinx is a nonsense word. Why do you feel the need to mess with someone else’s language? If Latino or Latina offends you, why not avoid being a culturally appropriating assh0le and simply write outperson of Latin origin” instead of altering the

You expect to recognize the original character, even if he’s changed. When the character is nothing like he was before, you have basically created an entirely new character. If the next Harry Potter movie showed a 45 year old Harry doing lines of coke off a hookers ass, you wouldn’t say, “Oh he just had new knowledge

They should have made the show with an entirely new ensemble. As much as I love memberberries, the way Picard acts and gets lectured to is nothing like the character from TNG. He is getting the Luke Skywalker treatment. I wouldnt be surprised if in the next episode, Riker will introduce Picard to some green milk from

The hairline is drawn here!  This far!  No further!

Why? TLJ was awful and nonsensical. Not only that, it took the hero of the original trilogy and sh!t on his legacy. The rest of the movie was nothing but plot holes and amazing coincidences. I’m still wondering why a 1st order ship couldn’t just hyper speed jump in front of the rebel fleet.  Snoke wants Kylo to bring

JJ Abrams is awful. I am not a film snob but will not watch any other movie he makes. Do people actually enjoy his films or just endure them?

The host of the radio show directly asked Michaels what she thought about the body positivity movement and ”self-acceptance” of being overweight resulting in body types not usually celebrated by the media. In other words, they directly asked a fitness trainer for her opinion on overweight people just accepting that

There is a difference between body positivity and healthiness. It’s all well and good to not be embarrassed about love handles. However it doesn’t change the truth that being overweight is generally bad for your health (I say this as someone who is also overweight). Michaels didn’t take unprovoked potshots. 

13th Warrior” reference! Truly an underrated gem.

I've finally realized I don't like J.J. Abrams movies.  Can we get a reboot of this reboot?  Maybe with all 3 movies directed by George Miller?

Why did you assume it was about homosexuality? It wasn’t what I thought they were talking about. The guy is a priest. His “secret” might he that he is a pedophile. You might have heard of a little scandal within the Catholic church and it wasn’t about gay priests. You really see prejudice and oppression everywhere,

List redeemed by #1. You forgot John Wick and The Raid. Trade out some of the artsy fartsy stuff no one watches and add 2 movies that redefined the action genre. Look at the difference in fight scenes pre-Raid: fight scenes with endless cuts (Jason Bourne movies, James Bond, etc) versus post Raid (Wick).  The penalty

“Rich Corinthian leather"  

Speaking in tongues is just baby talk.  People are just making random sounds, but thinking it is a special language with God is honestly a mental illness.  Besides, everyone knows that God only listens if you are handling poisonous snakes. 

Latino students. Not latinx students. It’s not about being politically correct, it’s about respecting the language.

Ssomeone else gets to play Batman for awhile. Ok. Dont see why that is a problem (although why not just make the Batman from Batman Beyond black? Thats an underrated character). Changing Bruce Wayne to black doesn’t make a lot of sense though unless they retcon the Joker origin story so that Joker falls into the vat

So then it was about him being portrayed as arrogant, right? Is your problem that is a total fabrication or is it that a white director like Tarantino doesn’t have the right to show Bruce Lee that way?

I forgot- white people bear all responsibility for Bruce Lee being an arrogant prick in real life, therefore it’s their solemn duty to make up for it by only showing him as an unbeatable Kung Fu Jesus in movies. How dare Tarantino portray someone accurately. White privilege run amok.