Sho'Nuff, The Shogun of Kinja

Why was there a controversy about the fight as shown in the movie? Because fans are angry that:

The singular is masculine, the plural is gender neutral that could either reflect all male or mixed company. Group of all females Latina.   These are the rules of the language.  

So you would have preferred to see a former Army Green Beret (Pitts character) get beat up by Bruce Lee? Why do you hate America and the troops?

Welcome to the AV Club the wokiest woke site west of the Mississippi. Virtue signaling is the currency here. Not long ago they had a review of a remastered version of Lawrence of Arabia. The AV club writer couldn’t resist describing how “problematic” it was to see white people in “brownface” portraying Arabs. I am

Oooh I can play this identity politics game too! Pitt’s character was supposed to be a former Green Beret, which means he was exceptionally trained in hand to hand combat. Yet you would have preferred that Lee kick his ass because Asian stereotype/Worf Effect. Why do you hate the US Armed Forces so much? Clearly you

I will say this for the MAGA hat wearing woman- she's got some tig ol' bitties.

Bruce Lee did act like an a-hole in real life. I like his movies a lot (just watched them all the last few days) but he somehow turned into Kung Fu Jesus. Many other martial artists didnt care for him, and it wasn’t professional envy.  He openly insulted other martial artists and picked fights.


Zero chance I’d sit through more than 15 min of The Graduate, but if I see The Dirty Dozen on TV, I’m watching the whole damn thing. I wish the author had focused on The Dirty Dozen instead of this whiny film about how how "difficult" life can be for the idle rich.

“Women or femme-identifying” what  does that even mean? I guess I’m not woke enough to understand this. To a regular person who didnt major in feminist theory, is “Women or femme-identifying” a fancy way of saying “biological women or biological men who feel like women”?

Well maybe Cottonmouth got bit by a vampire in the morgue and now he’s Blade.

I came up with a solution that is equitable to the left and right: if you are a man who was offended by Hopper’s “toxic masculinity”, you should do the magnanimous thing and donate you penis and balls to pre-OP trannies, since you clearly have no use for yours anymore. Everybody wins.

Counterpoint- his daughter was previously raised by a demented doctor who mentally abused her. 11 was deprived of love and has no understanding of boundaries. Her emotional intelligence is not that of a girl her age. It would be very easy for Mike to manipulate her into doing things she wasn’t ready for since she

I guess no one was suspicious that one of the things left behind after the massive hotel fire was a scotchguarded microfiber back pillow.

They should just rename the 2014 movie “Robert-Cop” so it won’t be associated with the 80s classic.  He's the autobotic future of law enforcement. 

You are calling it a “clusterfuck” because you have egg on your face. Those of us who could see through the BS immediately and said it was a hoax were immediately labeled as homophobes. Then as more proof came out showing it was a hoax, you doubled down because you just couldn’t bear the thought that the perfect

You think it’s weird to ask him to continue to fund the show that he literally owns because fans liked it and want more seasons?

“Kinberg offers a less psychological (but also less interesting) explanation...”


Jobs was a sociopath. It’s a fact that Apple employees were terrified of him as he would walk around Apple HQ and ask employees what they did- if he found the answer was unsatisfactory, he fired them on the spot. That, mentally abusing his daughter and wife, and smelling like a hobo because he refused to bathe made