Sho'Nuff, The Shogun of Kinja

No, you didn’t. Also your insults are weak. Come back with something better. If that’s the best the left can do, that's pretty sad.

Is there a LGBTQ or race angle to this? I just can’t believe an AV Club writer would write an article devoid of SJW outrage. 

He wasn't acting 

As a person of Middle Eastern heritage, I take zero offense to white actors in brown face in a movie from 1962 (or Arabface or whatever you want to call it). It is not a problem with the movie. No person of Middle Eastern origin that I have ever met has an issue with it either- at worst we find it humorous, but

Is “Ramulus" a planet in the porn parody, Star TreXXX:PrickHard?

I’m glad he called attention to Al Jazeera. It really is light years better than any of the supposed “news” channels in the U.S. like fox or CNN. It actually features news anchors who deliver world news instead of personal opinions!

I fondly remember two things about Bellucci in the sequels.

So Thanos had 4 stones and the other 2 stones were in friendly hands (Dr Strange and Vision). Infinity War made it look like they had Thanos beat due to Mantis except for Quill screwing it up. So the easiest thing would be to jump back to just before Quill messes it up, take the gauntlet, maybe cut off his arm like

He had all of them except the time stone, if I'm not mistaken  (which Dr. Strange had, so all the stones were on Titan)

True, but they were milli-seconds from getting the gauntlet off Thanos. Send one of the Avengers (probably Stark) back to Titan, knock Quill out just before he ruins it, take the gauntlet off Thanos, jump back to regular future (post snap) with infinity gauntlet and all stones, snap finger and undo everything. They

BP was an ok movie, but the thing that bothered me most is that Killmonger was the rightful king, but that is brushed under the rug. He challenged TChalla per the rules of combat and beat him fair and square. Then lots of Wakandan’s refuse to show loyalty to Killmonger and want to bring back TChalla. TChallas family,

Just watch The Orville. It’s 10x the show that Discovery is.

Painfully Personal Climax- name of your sex tape. Zing!

Please stop with this “Latinx” nonsense. The language has genders. Its “Latina” culture when referring to women, “Latino” culture when referring to men, and “Latino” when referring to a mixed group of men and women. Latinx is not a word. Stop trying to butcher my language and neuter my culture because of your PC

If you are truly surprised Ronan sucks all the fun out of the room, then it seems you haven't spent any time in the company of religious fanatics. 

More upvotes for you! My mom is almost 70 and has never been a big sci-fi fan, but she started watching the Orville with me and gets a kick out of it. I hope the show runs forever and/or starts getting movies and spinoffs like Star Trek. I dont like any of McFarland’s other stuff and thought the show would be campy

I really hope they don’t fall back on the lazy idea of making Rey a Skywalker. The surprise that she was just a nobody is more interesting than claiming that she was secretly a Skywalker all along.

Yeah lots of tax money is being wasted. Sucks schools don’t have money. The solution isn’t to take more from my paycheck, it’s to stop wasting money. Quit fighting so many wars overseas. Irony of your anti military stance is that I’m guessing you are an anti-Trump person. Hillary Clinton is far more of a hawkish

I think Falling Down resonates even more in 2019 than it did in 1993. The U.S. was still riding pretty high in the world in 1993, so there was still reason to believe the “American Dream” was possible. Since then, mega corporations bought the world, mom and pop shops are all but gone, and social media has made the

Thoughtcrime hurts us all. 40 years ago a poor irish amateur boxer wasn’t woke. Shame on him. Rats in a bag over his head is the only fitting punishment.