I believe her legal name was "The Lovely Miss Elizabeth."
I believe her legal name was "The Lovely Miss Elizabeth."
In legalese, it was nolle prossed (nolle prosequi). See it all the time in minor drug cases with first time offenders. Prosecutors basically say they are giving a person a 2nd chance and they will drop charges. Its NOT an acquittal or exoneration as prosecutors can refile the original charges if a person offends…
No royalties would be necessary. A high school reproduction would easily qualify for the “Fair Use” doctrine.
It is a realistic depiction of marriages where one person cheats on another but the couple stays together because of the kids. Bortus explained in an earlier episode he can’t forgive Klyden for supporting Topa’s sex change. Moclans don’t have divorces (at least where both people live). Resentment and bitterness.…
Jake Soooooooley
My favorite sci-fi show of all time. Perhaps I can give them a start on season 5:
Thats a good revenge plot until you get caught spitting in the food and ruin the owner’s reputation and business. Maybe telling owner what was up so kid could be blacklisted from the restaurant might have been a better option.
Also to answer the question of why the Kaylons didn’t send anyone to stop the crew from seeing the catacombs- remember that the Borg ignored people on their ships until they became an actual threat. Figure that nothing the Orville could do would threaten the Kaylons, so they weren’t worth stopping.
“Coexistence is impossible” = “Resistance is futile." Cool symmetry.
It is a well known fact that Lovecraft struggled with mental illness. Its obvious from his family history and he suffered from prolonged bouts of depression. The racism was likely deeply rooted in paranoia and some of his other mental problems. Cut the dude some slack.
Hughes is like a dude who gets his power turned off during a house party and tells all his guests its not his fault, the situation is just a clusterfuck with the power company. Nah, dude. Its not that complicated. You didn’t pay your electric bill.
If the AV Club didn’t try to work a racism angle into every article, its reviews would only be three sentences long.
Fair point. I can’t edit it though.
LOL yeah calling out AOC for her ridiculous cult of personality makes me a racist. Leftists look immediately at race and ethnicity first, so anyone who disagrees with a person’s ideas is a bigot. Labeling people as racists to shut them up is a wonderful tool of the new Democratic party.
Smollett’s defense should be that one of the guys he paid claimed he was a Nigerian Prince and the prince told him that he needed $3500 to pay the bank fees to unlock his frozen assets, and Smollett would get $3.5 million as a reward. But he also had to stage a high profile attack so that law enforcement, which was wo…
And I called bulls#t on her nonsense immediately as well. Anyone with a shred of common sense knew in an instant that her story was crock of sh#t. The difference is that very few people tried to silence those of us who said her story was patently ridiculous. I don’t recall ever being called a misogynist for saying she…
Team Woke in disbelief (found on the Kinja-verse on another site): “The only conclusion I come to is a “desperate brilliance” scheme to make a larger point about the state of american society and direction of the country. That he felt no other recourse than to martyr himself out in order to get people to wake up and…
The only question now is, after Smollett is convicted of filing a false police report, will he get pardoned by President Alexandra Ocasio-Cortes in 2028?
I was expecting a pithier response. Now you have disappointed more than just your mother, who regrets the day she forgot her birth control.
I have the moral high ground because I said let’s not turn this guy into a martyr for Trump era politics until more facts come out. The woke crowd said that was homophobic and he should be believed at face value, then then tried to silence anyone who said the story was fishy. So yes, I have the high ground over…