If he kills himself, that means the rest of us have to pay a greater share of your welfare check. That's not fair to anyone.
If he kills himself, that means the rest of us have to pay a greater share of your welfare check. That's not fair to anyone.
The only ones eating shit are left wing progressive morons like you, and your reaction to getting exposed is laughably predictable. Go wash your Che Guevara tshirt. It’s starting to smell.
You got punked. Own it.
Haha that's awesome
The sad thing is how obviously stupid his story was from the get-go. But the woke warriors put aside all common sense because they wanted it to be true. MAGA dudes recognizing a 3rd tier actor from Empire. Lol. The only way the story could have been better is if he claimed the the guys had yelled, “Arent you that…
The sad thing is how obviously stupid his story was from the get-go. But the woke warriors put aside all common sense because they wanted it to be true. MAGA dudes recognizing a 3rd tier actor from Empire. Lol. The only way the story could have been better is if he claimed the the guys had yelled, “Arent you that…
LOL the “woke” crowd wanted this to be true so badly. Cue the “Well, it might have been fake this time but it’s something that COULD happen” apologists.
You mean Sith Lord Jar Jar?
Does the movie also feature her getting “tag teamed” by a couple dudes or is that just a PornHub exclusive?
Yes, but it will be a politically correct version of Harry Potter this time around. All characters will be gay, half black / half Native American homosexuals in wheelchairs (the acceptance rate for Asian kids into Hogwarts is too high, so for purposes of this series Asians are not considered a minority). And Harry…
“The thought police would get him just the same. He had committed—would have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper—the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever. You might dodge successfully for a while,…
I think Azrael in the Arkham series is black and he takes over as Batman after KnightFall. Just run with that. Can keep everything somewhat canon, with a more interesting story, than just black Bruce Wayne. Or if want to go in a slightly different direction, then have Nightwing be black. Can have some interplay with…
Sho'Nuff didn't die, he was merely defeated. There needed to be a sequel where he crushes Bruce Leeroy (downer ending a la Empire Strikes Back).
It’s a damn shame that movie hasn't been remade yet. SHO NUFF
“Gandhi” was a hagiography about a self-absorbed weirdo who was, in actuality, a sex obsessed pedophile AND a racist (he hated that Indian railroad workers in Africa had to live alongside black people, whom he considered savages).
Cisgendered normcore terms like “wife” aren’t welcome on the AVClub anymore. Hughes is the wokest of the woke.
A month ago he was getting criticized for considering the role of John Henry. The obnoxious SJWs decided that Johnson wasn’t black enough for the role, even though he is half black. You see, his WWE character was based on his polynesian roots, therefore it was culture appropriation for him to identify with his black…
And if Tyson’s account is that it didn’t happen, is that also evidence? If its her word against his, is he still presumed innocent?
Not my hero. If this article was about a woman scientist being accused by a man, I’d say the same thing. Everyone has a right to make a complaint about assault. That’s not the issue. The problem is that sexual assault now carries a presumption of guilt. There will be mobs calling for Tyson to get fired, based merely…
Testimony? Did Fox News put the accusers under oath?