Sho'Nuff, The Shogun of Kinja

Yay! Let’s ruin more people’s reputations without any sort of due process! All Tyson can do is deny (and we all know that denial is a sign of guilt), while the women don’t actually have to produce any tangible evidence but they are to be believed no matter what, and Tyson can have his life and career destroyed! Only

Hillary is the reason Hillary lost. You are buying into nonsense with your “Republicans stole the election” narrative. Hillary skipped campaigning in important Rust Belt states like Michigan because she assumed those states were in the bag. Instead she went to Arizona thinking she could steal the state because of the

Gadot is easy on the eyes, but I don’t think she is a particularly good actress. Don’t exactly have to have range to be a green screen Wonder Woman. The Lamarr story would be interesting (I'd watch it if nothing else was on) , but might need a better performer in the role.

It’s not bad when the side you like does it.  Those are the rules. 

Blitzer’s entire career was built on being a shill for AIPAC. One of his first publicity stunts was trying to free Jonathan Pollard, who was convicted of spying on the U.S. for Israel. Blitzer is living proof that political connections and the ability to read from a teleprompter are all you need to succeed in life. 

I watched the movie in the theater. I don’t like horror, but like sci-fi so I thought I’d give it a chance.

Did Futurama not get good ratings when it returned?  I would much prefer more Futurama to this. 

Hollywood is trying to put Momoa over like the WWE has been trying with Roman Reigns. It’s not going to happen.

So to recap, Sony is going to make a slapstick “fatty fall down go boom super hero movie starring either Melissa McCarthy or Rebel Wilson.

Also in the Dark Knight Rises, when Alfred starts sobbing at the end and says, “I failed you” to the Wayne’s tombstones it just about broke my heart.

Yondu’s “he may have been your father...” line in GOTG2 got me all choked up. When the Ravagers all turn up for the wake at the end of the movie I have to admit I actually shed a tear.

The show that Hank Hill watches on King of the Hill, with the hitman priest who says, “Vaya Con Dios” when he shoots someone.

I can’t figure out Kinja

Disagree. Wick 2 had a bunch of great hand to hand fighting. I also liked the intro to the whole assassin universe. I’d put Wick 1 a tiny notch above because I like the premise of destroying a criminal syndicate because they killed his puppy.

This is where DC might have it easier without the shared universe. You’d think that with all these characters with ultra-powers (like Luke Cage would be useful against Thanos’s hellbeasts!) that they might prioritize saving the universe from losing half its population over some aliens that want to steal gravity rocks.

The attempted degloving comes after Gamora is killed. Red Skull tells Thanos that the possessor of the Soul Stone must make a great sacrifice. That means the soul stone (and by extension the gauntlet) are bound to the person who made the sacrifice. Wouldn’t make sense if you could have someone else make the sacrifice

That’s what they want you to think.

The Constitution specifically states that money will be allocated for a standing military. It does not say that the government should give people SNAP benefits, unless I have missed an amendment.

Then the government can opt not to give them the government’s money and no need to have a discussion of what people can or can’t buy. Problem solved.

No. I don’t hate poor people. When people are given free government benefits, the government can put whatever reasonable regulations it wants on it. Welcome to the real world. If the government instead of givgiving individuals SNAP benefits distributed the total amount to local food banks, you could basically