Sho'Nuff, The Shogun of Kinja

Govt giving you other people’s money to buy food = can put whatever restrictions they want on it. No one would have a problem if you told a friend who constantly asks you for money, “OK, but this money better not go towards booze.” Yet when the government does basically the same thing and wants people to use free

The LOTR video games did a good job inventing a new storyline. Also, in LOTR lore, Sauron, powerful as he is, is actually just a creation of Melkor, the Original Big Bad. Would be interesting to see a story where the “good races” actually have to ally with Sauron to take down Melora. It would also give some more

But does it take the farts out of ketchup bottles?

Did you actually read the articles you linked to or just the blogger’s half-baked criticism? If you click through to the link in the blogger’s post, you will see the author objected to people claiming that only 2% of Haiti’s trees remain. The author then admits that Haiti is MASSIVELY deforested, he just thinks it’s

WB’s big mistake wasn’t so much the darkness as it was that they jumped straight to the Justice League without really giving people a chance to care about the characters by building them up in solo movies first. Avengers 1 was the 8th movie in the marvel extended universe. But the other problem was that Superman is

When do Latinos get their own comic book movie? Or Middle Easterners (Arab or persian based characters will do)?

Huh? A guy who says he is being falsely accused shouldn’t have the ability to clear his name? Guess there is damning evidence he did it. Oh wait, there are only the allegations of a woman who is tweeting that she is a victim, yet she has not produced a single person (parent, someone from the set, friend she may have

Maybe she should report this to the police instead of tweeting about it? May have happened, may not have happened.

And this is why I ask my dates to sign consent forms and record my sexual encounters to make sure that I can’t be falsely accused afterwards. Yes could have really meant no if I wasn’t reading body language correctly.

More “The Orville.” Less ST:Ds

Is Mandy Patinkin in this movie?

Hot take: Last Jedi is the best of the Star Wars films since the original trilogy.