
You know what else? Making undocumented immigrants afraid to ever speak up about anything lest they be immediately jailed in horrific conditions and then deported absolutely increases the number of human trafficking cases.

There’s complicit by system and then there’s actively enabling the system to survive. If sweatshop labor is behind the majority of essentials, the average person has limited options for reducing their ham, since food and clothing are necessities of life. Ivanka isn’t the average person - she has enough wealth from her

I can’t really go without clothing or food, Ivanka could definitely go without using sweatshop labor if she was willing to take less profit.

Oh, so this is what staying out of politics looks like.

Pretty sure the human trafficking stats remain high in the countries that manufacture her shitty clothes.

It’s the GOP version of social Darwinism: survival of the wealthiest.


Wasn’t their original plan to lower premiums? Are they even trying to do what they said they would?

*comedian makes joke* Person with no sense of humor: “Excuse me sir, SIR, I do NOT find that funny NOR do I know what jokes are, so I request that you kindly sit down an be quiet.”

i don’t care what he said. trump is undermining democracy at every turn, only to profit his bottom line. we are being invaded from within.

The optics of pulling people from their wheelchairs is simply staggering in its awfulness. Yet Trump supporters (who will undoubtedly be affected in large numbers) will put on their stupid MAGA hats and cheer Donnnie on, while he simultaneously pushes their heads deeper into a shit-filled trench.

Can I throw up now? Why don’t we just build a time machine and go back to pre-Dickens London, where urchins begged in the streets and people worked 60 to 80 hour weeks for low wages in terrible and often dangerous conditions, so men like Trump could live in wealth and comfort, and did not have to work hard

Lee is a part of the 13-member working group, but he said he hasn’t seen the draft bill. “I just haven’t been able to see it yet and as far as I know the overwhelming majority of my colleagues haven’t been able to see it either.”

Things are broken, Karen, because you give purposefully “broad” answers to questions so that you’re not required to pick a side or have an opinion, and then get pissy when someone tries to make you give an actual answer.

Uhh, Steve? I think there is an adage about stones and glass houses that applies to you here...

What a weird comment.

Church stops telling people who and how to fuck, people will stop bring their fucking-related issues to church.

The Richard Burt story in the Guardian is going to be huge, because it not only exposes Jeff Sessions’ perjury (if he didn’t know he was dining with a paid agent for Russia and Alfa Bank he was negligent; if he did know, then he’s a liar), but Burt also says he was brought in to assist writing Trump’s foreign policy

OMFG STOP WITH THE WITCH HUNT BULL SHIT! Seriously. There was an ACTUAL witch hunt that happened here. It’s part of American History. 14 WOMEN WERE EXECUTED!