“You are witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history...”
“You are witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history...”
Two things: One — WOO-HOO! Can we get his tax returns now? I doubt that even if obvious evidence of obstruction of justice is found and announced, as long as the Republicans continue to get goodies from him, they’ll never even try to impeach him. Work towards 2018, people!
DeVos said she believed both regulations should be scaled back and rewritten, describing them as “overly burdensome and confusing” to the colleges they are meant to regulate.
I think you’ll find that liberals are pretty much totally in agreement that we need better practices to identify those people who can’t be responsible with firearms *regardless of political affiliation* as well as more extensive mental health programs to assist those same people in getting better.
I figured this article was coming last night and was disappointed not to see it.
Having a head of health and human services say “everyone dies of something” is absurd and flies in the face of the whole job.
“He said we shouldn’t worry about rising sea levels,”
This is the perfect encapsulation of everything wrong in the general population right now.
I grew up near there and have visited many times. The island is doomed, and will be uninhabitable within my lifetime. Anyone thinking otherwise is delusional.
Hi everyone. The kind folks over at FOX News and Breitbart have informed me that the race war has begun and that we should all rise up and defend ourselves from the unrelenting onslaught of liberal fascism. This is all very confusing to me because I have yet to hear any of our elected officials tell me where to sign…
It won’t. The takeaway from Rep. Mo Brooks (quoted in NYT) seems to be that the problem he sees is that he didn’t have a weapon himself. Nevermind that this was a baseball game, and it would be very hard to round third while packing heat.
That noise you heard was the starter’s pistol for the 2017 Mental Gymnastics.
If he’s pro-gun, why wasn’t he able to stop the shooter?
Hope everyone’s okay.
this is a very, very important point and the number one reason why a wall won’t do shit.
I think 10 years ago, Republicans were willing to gut SCHIP, a Nixon-era initiative that allowed many children access to affordable health care. Don’t be surprised at what today’s GOP is capable of, call your Senators.
To be fair, I do not think the Director of ICE is a very smart man and likely does not understand the fundamental difference between criminal and civil matters. Also, 10$ says he’s likely got an underage, ‘illegal’, hispanic, male, lover stashed away somewhere.
Heres the thing. Most undocumented immigrants didnt break the law by entering the country. They overstay their visas. They want to send this image that every single undocumented alien in the country is some sort of dirty border hopper but that just simply is not the truth. The vast majority of these people managed to…
Yeah, and so has anybody who’s gotten a speeding ticket.
God damn it, the director of ICE should be the first one to know that entering the country without papers is a civil violation, not a criminal one.