
See also: sexists, racists, homophobes...basically anybody most other people agree are thinking/doing/saying things that aren’t OK.

from my own experiences - watching this tonight - I was thrilled. I mean, this is actually exactly what you are supposed to do when dealing with a bully. I swear I bet she studied how to deal with bullies, because - this is it. she didn’t talk at him, she didn’t take his bait - she talked THROUGH him and just

When America decided that facts don’t matter. Grrr...

But people in my Facebook feed see it exactly the opposite and love Trump even more! I am legit terrified that this fucking asshole is going to be running our country.

Mike Pence had the gall to complain that Hillary constantly insulted Trump. Since when is calling someone out on their lies considered an “insult”?

You could tell Lester Holt was irritated. I guarantee he wanted to get off his chair and give Trump a smack.

Every time she interrupted he got all pissy, and then he proceeded to interrupt and talk over both her AND the moderator.

Hillary has had 30 years of people yelling at her, criticizing her, and 15 years of debate experience. Trump isn’t used to people fact-checking him and hitting him with facts. He’s used to fawning coverage where people kiss his ass and tell him he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Also on birtherism. And also on criticizing women. They were all great, needlessly ranty moments where he hung himself on his own noose.

I thought Trump came off as legit unhinged. He almost foamed at the mouth during the tax returns segment. Same with the Iraq War support. CALL HANNITY! ASK HANNITY! HANNNNIIIIIIITY!

Yeah, he kept going on and on about Iraq. It was beautiful.

I also laughed with glee at the ‘lack of stamina’ accusation. She looked like she could have gone 10 more rounds without getting winded.

And she was wearing power tie red, which amused me.

And he then proceed to ramble incoherently for 45 seconds like a man coming off his uppers about how he has the better temperament.

Alternating between staring daggers at him thinking, “this fucking moron” and laughing in his face thinking, “This. Fucking. Moron. lol”.

Ruined slightly by his constant sniffling

I’m delighted with Clinton’s composure tonight. She clearly trained to endure his incessant interruptions with calm and poise, effectively delivering her message in spite of him. It made Trump appear even pettier than usual. Well done, Hillary.


Hillary was outstanding. Totally in control and very patient.