
Maybe it’s because I’m a millennial or whatever, but I had never heard of Williams-Sonoma until last week when I saw it in the mall and it looked like a place I could find something quick to get my mom. I was in a rush, so I just grabbed something that I thought she’d like without looking at the price (rookie mistake,

Also, college football is overrated and bowl games are pointless.

Seven games series are boring and the NHL/NBA (can’t really do it with baseball because of starting pitchers) should adopt single game elimination postseason tournaments like the NFL and NCAAB which are the most exciting playoff formats.


I actually thought Strong-KUSHIDA was his best match of the crossover shows, and better than Takahashi. Regardless he showed me something from him that had been missing previously really, where I feel confident now that he really could be a star in WWE/NXT.

Councilman Jamm being higher than Leslie Knope, Ben Wyatt, April Ludgate AND GOD DAMN LIL' SEBASTIAN. THIS IS MADNESS. You hereby have your TV watching privileges revoked until further notice.

Don't worry man Survivor is an amazing show for the strategy aspect alone. It's great because it has something for everyone: insane challenges, over-the-top characters, master strategical work (or the opposite), the background of the island, the hardships, the twists. Whatever, if you're hating on it I really hope you

Do you ever feel like teams aren't using the fact that you were a QB in college correctly? As a Jets fan I know they had you running some trick plays using your arm but haven't seen it much sense.

Told myself I wasn't gonna read the Facebook comments..... I read the Facebook comments :(

Hahaha Pasch looks so pissed.

So what is your brilliant solution for solving NFL playoffs? A BCS system? Please enlighten me, because like I just told you there is no legitimate way to determine a champion based on regular season record.

The EPL and other euro leagues system is total horseshit and is the least exciting thing possible for fans.