
I think it’s time for your nap.

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When asked to comment, Vegeta provided the following statement...

This white lady ain’t crying. Good job, Google! # BlackLivesMatter

Giant Bomb: “Horizon: Zero Dawn is familiar but also really refreshing. It’s not a short game (I spent around 30 hours with it), but the storytelling still feels concise and efficient.”

Of course not. This is a ludacris fantasy:

3 generations is a bit off. I’m only 29, I’m only 1 generation from having Civil Rights and then the right to be married to my wife only happened literally 50 years ago (we have tons of people alive much older than that).

Holy shit man, although I don’t agree w/ what you’re saying I can concede you’re entitled to your opinion, but you lost me at your comments on how no laws oppress anyone. That is the most blithely ignorant shit I’ve read in the comments in a while. If you sincerely think this is true, you need to expand your scope

Yes, clearly we’re living in a post-racist, post-sexist society. Open your fucking eyes.

There is no such thing as a sjw. There are the enlightened and informed who want equality . Then there are the ignorant bigots that want the world to be like it was 70 years ago.

The way people are head-hunting anyone who isnt lockstep with social justice is getting out of hand. 

Defensive measures that create an undue burden on people without strong evidence to support them being taken. Angry outcry from the commander-in-chief himself that undercuts the very underpinnings of our government, attempting to damage one of the three branches and destabilize our government structure.

There are plenty of game sites that cater to the alt right, you know.

You could say it’s a defensive measure but it was encroaching on rights dictated by our Constitution so it was quite literally a mess that needed to be cleaned up. ACLU isn’t a tabloid that smears politicians they don’t agree with. They represent and defend against ANY attacks to Constitutional rights.

I would never discourage individual thought and opinion. You have a right to voice your opinion, surely.

And you call *us* snowflakes?

As long as President Trump keeps leaving messes, yes, you will continue to see this kind of coverage.

I received my first NES in 1988.

I was six.

I remained an abjectly loyal Nintendo fanboy right through the N64, back when I still thought those shots of Robotech: Crystal Dreams and the tech demo with the Final Fantasy VI characters rendered in polygons were actually going to bear fruit (note: I don’t regret purchasing

Except for the part where it only effects Muslims (because it provides an exception for minority religions). And there’s nothing to stop Trump from extending the ban indefinitely.

This article is why I will NEVER play a mobile game unless it’s complete for a single price. Also why I stay away from most of the free to play games. Going after a personality defect to make money is the darkside of gaming (that term gaming includes gambling). Right now there is some person who has done this but