I feel like this is a safe space for me to rail against the Green Party (and all “third” parties in the U.S.) for a second.
I feel like this is a safe space for me to rail against the Green Party (and all “third” parties in the U.S.) for a second.
More optimistically, Pokémon Go has shown huge potential for other Nintendo smart apps, and there’s also the NX around the corner.
I legitimately wonder how much that stupid exclusivity deal actually helped Microsoft out in the end. It didn’t seem like the game ever really caught fire - lots of people liked it, but the shitstorm of negative press that it got thanks to MS didn’t seem to help in that “Bad publicity is still publicity” kind of way.…
This goes far beyond things like “expansion packs.”
There is certainly a lot of that, across the board. One of the downsides is that it really depends on who gets to the article first and then they can usually steer the conversation. If you don’t get there quick enough, there’s little point in commenting. And then you get the people who think that once they’re in the…
Except all those things you listed enhanced the players ability to control a game, and gave developers the ability to include more options.
Nintendo really needs to blow people out of the water with NX and stop with the gimmicks, they got lucky with the Wii.
Sony owns the rights to Spider-Man. They didn’t have a buy an exclusive.
At the bottom of this page on their site. Isn’t super clear, but they make a distinct break in the page for the different retailers
It looks like if you “pre-purchase” it through Ubisoft, Xbox Marketplace, PSN, or Steam you get access to the Stick of Truth immediately. If you preorder it through retailers that you don’t pay the whole thing up front (Gamestop, Amazon, etc) it looks like you get it when you pick up the new game. That’s how I’m…
Well, you seem like a really pleasant person. Sorry I’m not up to your standards, apparently. But I’ll live with it.
Damn, Rick and Morty fit surprisingly well within the world of Fallout 4.
I think you misunderstood. This guy threatening your life is actually a sincere cry out for a discussion about ethics in gaming journalism.
Ready? Here we go!
Shut up PC master Race, stop port begging like a pleb.
He’s loathe to criticize a video game for not being a political treatise, but the game acts as though it had something to say meaningfully, politically.
The DOOM reboot came out and nobody is going to criticize it for not being political. Homefront: Revolution dresses itself up like it was making a serious political…
Each episode is entirely self-contained. Like Final Fantasy, the series is joined together by thematic references.
Riiiiiight, because developers having to weigh in on smearing campaigns around the reviewers of their games is usually a sign of things dying down. Literally no one knew about this before this article! Silly Kotaku, always whipping up “controversies” out of thin air.