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I feel everyone should witness The Joker telling Luke he’s his father.

Stardew valley made top 24? That man must be really rich by this point. I mean I bought it twice and it’s a great game but that’s still at the game being 15 dollars a pop! Meaning it needed to sell even more to make up revenue. My god

I would like to see him attempt to contersue. I’m interested in seeing in how he tries to defend himself in court

Odds of them leaving out NES games from animal crossing?

For people who played and actually care about this game: if the game it is now is the game it was at launch, would things have been better received? Sure, no multiplayer, but just better in general? Because it seems to me if they just petitioned Sony to help pay a dozen guys for three more months, this would have gone

I would have preferred a new serious” story from them but whatever haha probably gonna get this

I would assume all of the solo movie heroes would be in at the least, but what about Antman? How could they take a guy who’s ability is to shrink that much and make him work in a one on one fighter? Would be a shame to skip him, especially since that Ultron tease would probably make him in here (unless they’re really

Well, I was hoping hoping for a new 3D platformer of sorts... hope it’s better than the first I guess

Never heard of it before, and shame it sucks, but a mix between MArio and Zelda sounds awesome... I really want a 3D Platformer action adventure with a “serious” story. Not like too serious or gritty or whatever but like normal Zelda or even jak and Daxter serious.

It says that this is supposed to form the foundation of base building.

Good thing you mentioned you once dated a creator of a small cheap game, otherwise all of journalism would be called into question

Back in the day, I used to try and turn RCT2 into a medieval kingdom. Like, you entered through the woods and there was a burger stall named after like a Hunter’s Cabin and there was a haunted hill for the haunted house ride. Never got too far though. Partially because scrolling through the custom list for all the

So how much of the manga is this supposed to cover? It looks like everything in this trailer is from the town with that fake religious guy at the beginning, but that’s a pretty sad choice to make the entire movie about I feel. I’m sure they could just rearrange the plot the cover the entiritiy in 2 hours or so though,

Sounds like no mans sky? Which is obviously a game people want. With a budget and proper team maybe it’d be possible... though trademark Ubisoft open world stuff seems to run contrary to what people wanted out of no man’s sky. Idk, I’m not too interested either way but I was wondering if a AAA company would make a big

I can’t help but feel the expensive and hard to replace gamepad will make being able to appreciate the Wii U library even harder as the small supply begins to break down over the years and there not exactly being extra controllers...

No possible way they’ll be stupid enough to redo the Xbox exclusivity thing this time at least

Hasn’t stage 2 been consistently on the steam top sellers list? What more could they have expected?

Would Sony do anything about this? Seems it’d hurt them too because it limits the people who can demo their VR units, which is the reason Sony gave them these things, so I would think Sony would strongly encourage them not to do this?

I’m kinda excited despite not having played Nintendo for years. Or maybe because of it.

I would think it would be Square not wanting to fund a full blown sleeping dogs 2 over them not wanting to make it themselves. They only could if square was willing to pay, and square had insane delusions of how much their western games would sell back then.