
I guess. It just seemed a bit weird with Pierce, Whitehall and Strucker all being heads with different plans, and then Garrett having his own complicated organization within the organization within an organization. It just seemed to me like it's a directionless organization which tends to limit its power. then again,

I liked the name drop of Strucker. I was confused earlier about who was actually in charge between Whitehall, Strucker and the now dead Pierce. Whitehall being in charge of American operations and Strucker being the top dog makes sense to me. Anyway, time to read the whole review now lol

Not surprised. No real point trying to tell a story that's supposed to reach people on a platform with no people :/

I couldn't help but notice you mentioned puzzles in a haunted house... I seem to be in the minority in that I love environmental puzzles in my action adventure games, so I'd just like to know just what you mean by puzzles. Are they plentiful and big or just a few tiny ones that don't mean much? I am going to get it

Um... I meant a new original series by Joss that is as well received as those two, not a sequel to those.

Well, I specifically mean that there's no way Fox would screw up their handling of Firefly as badly as they did if they could say it was made by the guy who made Avengers 1 and 2.

Fans will demand he keep making Avengers instead of the next Buffy or Firefly? Huh

I highly doubt it'd affect it too much. I mean, his role in making Avengers work cannot be understated, but I wouldn't say he's the msot important part. James gunn and the Russo brothers could still have made awesome movies without him. Now, if Kevin fiege was leaving, I might be a bit more worried.

Why do people complain that Zelda is always the same game? I mean, really. It is the ONLY game with that style. Why the fuck are people saying that the only open world action adventure epic with environmental puzzles needs to be like everything else? There aren't any other games fitting that standard. What do they

Oh right, this is a thing. how exactly will they incorporate a flowing narrative, aka the whole point of a Cinematic Universe?

Knowing EA, yup.

So, does this mean that, even if we find a way to clone Dinosaurs, they wouldn't be able to breath that well? :(

Well, for the Scooby Doo parody, they didn't really have Scooby doo there.

Yeah, I agree. Like, Simmon's lab partner was a nice bumbling middle aged guy, but he still thought genocide was pretty awesome. Why? I dunno.

I really don't want to incite a debate or anything, but I can't help thinking that the idea of saying God created the universe as a catch all e3xplanation is akin to saying "A Wizard Did It." Which tends to be bad storytelling.

Looks like Ward isn't going to be redeemed after all. Seeing as how he killed at least three or four US Soldiers. Good. And having his brother there will actually give him something to do and a reason to exist in the story now that Garret's dead.

Wow they're actually doing it. Damn.

I also like how they actually have the Nazis speak German and have a lot of subtitles. Obviously, Nazis would speak German, but it would have still been easy for them to have them randomly speak English even if it made no sense

Currently on my Second/Uber run and trying to get platinum. Though the guys appearing after you defeat the two robots in the London Nautica are as annoying as the first time.

I hate most open world games (Zelda/Metroidvania open world not withstanding), but sadly he's probably right. :(