good point!
good point!
u cant count past 8 either?
no two events ever take place in the same location - Quantum Leap Physics.
read below re: my nephew's pop warner league. I BOUGHT SEASON TICKETS AND WAS ADMITTED TO GAMES REGARDLESS of whether his team wore the black jerseys or white jerseys. so that's not true. different pro leagues have different standards on what season tickets mean.
what's a gbumit?
way to be constructive with your criticism - can you please elaborate on what exactly was stupid about my comment?
hahahahaha wrong sport dude. thats ok we're all sports fans here tho
read below re: my nephews pop warner league. I didn't realize that different professional leagues have different policies on what it means to have season tickets.
and that's why you have Shakra's job right? Wait nope. He made the percentage play there - can't apologize for it, it gets him the win 6 times out of 10.
dude - you let him make that 3, they foul you on the inbound, you take ur 2 shots, probably miss both, than they come down the court and dunk for the game winner. Shakra Shart was trying to prevent that from happening
who's "we" - the literally 45 other replies I got over the night? YOU might be able to, but your average Deadspin reader, nope.
yeah but that's getting into specifics. basketball is more of a "team attitude" game so you ingrain it into your players to foul in this situation no matter what, its out of coach Shakira's hands at this point, nothing he can do but watch
I agree it was a risky play - but sometimes you have to "pull the goalie" so-to-speak to even have a shot to win
it's subtle enough for 90% of Deadspin readers :-D
lol I hope you realize I'm a troll
that seems harsh dude. I go to my nephew's pop warner games once a week in the fall, I know tons about football.
it's a free country
yeah but think about - if they have a 3 point lead you foul and make them shoot 2. So if you have a 4 point lead you found and make them shoot 3, which is exactly what happened here. Great call by Shakira Start and the Commoneers here, but just didnt work out. You gotta play the odds tho, cant be ashamed to lose in…
lol not trying to show off but thanks for compliment :-D. I coach a 5th grade girls team and we employ this strategy regularly. i do hope to coach a D1 team one day
I really don't think you're going through all the possible outcomes here, you should read a book on game theory by Job Gash - he was a physicist in the late 1860's, anyways, they made a movie about him called "And Incredible Mind" starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in 2001. It won like 8 oscars.