good point!
good point!
sometimes you need to foul to stay ahead - its actually a really common strategy
you would be stupid not to make that foul every day of the week - there's no chance for them to win that game unless they go for the foul there
oh u liberal can't handle the trooth
We all get the seasons from mother-earth.
yeah and I'm a well-reasoned thinker
what does that even mean. I made a very valid point why can't you accept it?
how do you get punished for the government for speech?
it is literally the most racist thing I've ever seen
why are you turning this into a race thing? liberals are the worst.
honestly tho, this is america not somalia - we should be able to say whatever we want without apology
omg - say's the racist dude with the more racist avatar. wtf is wrong with you you pos
omg the Jets couldn't pander more to liberals if they tried. "WE CUT THE WHITE GUY AND HIRED THE BLACK GUY, WILL YOU ROOT FOR US NOW?"
it's "Teacher of the year, I say!" (you missed the comma, my 5th grade teacher taught me that. she also molested me)
wow - to everyone who replied to me, I'm glad I could explain to you the length of the NFL season - if it was only 8 games like y'all say Tom Brady would be the next George Lombardi. But he always loses to Archie's nephews in the playoffs thanks to there being 2^4 games in a season (HOW'S THAT MATH FOR YOU?!?!??! 2^4…
dont listen to them, you are right and they are really bad people
how did you not know he was talking about the fish? Think about it NYTimes man
dude did you even watch the Heat/Spurs game last night? what an idiot...
omg ever heard of the word honorary? wow the people on this site
awwww sitttt Seize, boner-fide stupid-man IS CALLING YOU OUT!!!!