
It’s your America too. Don’t call it ‘white America’s Anthem’. You’re doing yourself and your cause a disservice. 

Gotta write something to keep your job i guess

Just so its clear... days are already getting shorter because its past the first day of summer.

Im going to go get one of those Gouda things right now and you cant stop me!


Theres no way this is actually true... you got it from a reddit subreddit... ppl lie for attention all the time

That wouldn’t be funny at all tho?

What garbage! LOL

who cares?

Legal weed would have put the money this guy made in the hands of the taxpayer.


So wait you’re telling me football players at all level’s juice? GASP!

Sexuality is Binary

You dont play wow for the story. You play wow for the crack.

I really dislike the hawk analogy cuz im white and that makes me uncomfortable. just a thought.

It’s time to see everyone as the same.

This thread scares me and I’m scared.

It doesn’t matter how long it takes. You keep writing articles with KH3 in the name and I’ll keep getting chills and clicking the links.

These white whiteys are so white. You’re a good writer.

Don’t call things “white”. I don’t say “this is the blackest thing I’ve ever heard.” cuz I’d be in trouble.