
So in what world does the lead juror get to openly say that he’s going to support, and take cues from the accused person’s lawyers???

- They did hear testimony from people who were witnesses to the call. All the eviidence and the witness statements are why he’s being impeached.

Everyone seems to think Trump is the problem.  Trump isn’t the problem, he’s the symptom.  McConnell and people like him are the problem.  Impeachment will treat the symptom while allowing the problem to keep on marching goose-legged into oblivion.

Those are like the Manifesto’s you find in a mass shooter’s home or apartment. For real if I was Michael I would alert the authorities

Because they are attention whores. Hitler was a prime example of what happens when one of them gains enough power to become a threat to many.


One last time Michael: They Do Not Pay Your Ass Enough For This Shit. That last letter, excuse me I meant doctoral thesis, Good Lord that would have me running for the fucking hills. When I was a child my mother used to tell me when I was working on a writing assignment to read it aloud to see if made sense. If that

Jesus, you’re right. I tried to finish that last one—I really did—but turns out I didn’t even get HALFway through. I mean, I got far enough to know that white people are kind, that all social biases are borne of the same motivations and have the same effect on people, and that you weren’t as affected by the story of

Why do crazy white people LOVE writing long ass manifestos?

The same world where he can block the president doing his job for six years and no one bats an eye.

“Now let’s get down to work. Our first step will be revamping Pete Buttigieg’s entire schedule and barring black people from entering all of his campaign appearances because if Pete Buttigieg truly wants to stand up to white supremacy and institutional racism, he can’t “grow America for all” by “connecting with people

Last one - 24 pages on my desktop monitor. 24 PAGES. I can string a lot of words together, but that’s next level. 

This makes no sense. The senate is supposed to act as a jury right? So in what world does the lead juror get to openly say that he’s going to support, and take cues from the accused person’s lawyers???

There aren’t enough bad things to cover all the bad things that should happen to McConnell.

Meanwhile on Fox News...Mitch McConnell is on Hannity saying shit shit like this...

To paraphrase;

Username checks out; i think it maybe tried to riff on my statement, but all that came out was keyboard diarrhea. Anyone got a chud-to-English dictionary? 

People who continue to call this charlatan a genius are misguidedly nostalgic at best, or fascists who hold an agenda to hide their racism and bigotry behind POC who foolishly align with them in some vain attempt at self-preservation, or belief that they’ll be considered for positions of power and influence because of

haven’t bought a Kanye album in years. The trend shall continue.

They’re waging a war on our family and culture.