
“Hey everyone! Let’s go buy go go records corner of Florida and 7th!” Said no tour group to D.C. ever.

Yeah even as a white kid in new england if you had asked me to name an HBCU I would have said howard.

Speaking of making white people mad by trashing people just tell them Ronald Reagan is the worst President of the modern era and have the facts to back it up.

Also, during the Civil Rights movement, the Confederate flags got a second wind as well. Always reactionary BS after black folks assert their rights

The idea of American Exceptionalism, that we can and have done no wrong, is probably the thing that will end up destroying this country. We can’t fix problems if we refuse to face or even acknowledge them.

And the cry of “erasure” also assumes a default position that such Confederate statues and individuals deserve to be honored. When did we vote on that? I missed that election. The truth is that the Daughters of the Confederacy spent the decades after the Civil War paying to put up statues anywhere dumb enough to

I was just about to write up a comment about the hypocrisy of white people crying about “Destroying history” when these bullshit monuments, and pretty much every monument built around the Founding Fathers and other “American” figures (I put American in quotes because people like Christopher Columbus aren’t really

I agree with this completely. What’s amazing to me is that so many people decry the removal of a statue as “erasure.” No, removing someones name, giving them the name of the slave master, and jettisoning identity—that’s erasure. I’m pretty sure history books (especially in Alabama, where I’m from, and especially if

My favorite irony is the same anxious reactionaries (in Texas) writing awful history textbooks labeling slaves as “workers” and revering the 1961 movie The Alamo as some sort of documentary instead of the bizarre glorification of renegade Tennessean slave-holding insurrectionists.

Or, like my favorite refrigerator magnet says, let go or be dragged—into the real world, where we should honor the best, not the whitest.

The people who voted for Trump (even after he showed them his complete lack of morality) were actually voting for approval of their own personal dark nature.

It’s been said here before by myself and others (probably better by the other ppl.):

It is bonkers to me that a many-times-over millionaire who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, brags about his Ivy League education, spent his life in liberal elite NYC AND has a long-ass history of just straight up not paying people he hired became the spokesperson for the working class. Just complete insanity.

You won’t have to ask him.

So they wrote this last year about the previous 40+ years he’d had in “business” - and that’s a media org on the other side of the pond

I know I shouldnt respond to trolls, but I’m grey so WTF.

...Even as he himself did all those things... This is one thing I especially don’t get about Trump supporters: they think he’s a champion of the poor.

My Asian “redneck” ex-refugee immigrant friend voted for Trump. I am afraid to ask him what he thinks now.

I would say “I told you so” to all of these epiphany-havin jackasses, but I think a “Man, fuck outta my face” is more apt right now.

Fuck this guy and everyone like him. Are you seriously trying to rationalize the most irrational person in the modern history of politics?