
There is no team, but the Bird in the North.

Menasor is the combined form of the Stunticons. And no, I had no idea who Starscream was. I am a huge Transformers fan, and I have never heard of Starscream.

I’ve gotten ~500 hours of enjoyment (and frustration) out of that “con” so hey bring on more cons!

Any bets on whether the name will be Hoola?

OMG when Walda and the wee baby Bolton ate all those dogs!!! Definitely did not see that coming.

I want to make a post about Bothans because I’m amused at how many people are going through the comments about this trailer to make sure everyone knows that the Bothans were the second Death Star.

Still going to eat there.

Fuck that. This was the best thing that ever happened to this kid, and he was in no way ‘damaged’ to the point of 15 million dollars.

Or, and this is just a theory, maybe this is a guy who has committed moments and experiences of his life to song, in an effort to work through the raw emotion of these experiences, and not as a guide map for how people should act. Maybe that’s the whole purpose of art, the expression of self, unfiltered by expectation