
So Mr. Lucas, speaking of divorce, why did you erase your ex-wife Marcia from Lucasfilm history, especially after Marcia helped create the original trilogy and won a Oscar for film editing.?

Meh, I liked bits and pieces of all three. But with TFA I never had the sense of “oh, I have to sit through this crummy but to get to the good stuff” that I did with the prequels.

the reason the light saber battles are not as good is because they are between people who have had little to no training or experience in fighting with lightsabers.

More like selling your old droid to the Jawas, who then wipe the corrupted OS, fix up all the broken-down shit you hacked onto it over the years, give it shiny new bodywork, and put it back on a showroom floor.


Annoying kid

Lots of people here are saying they are more original, and I guess they have a point. Not too many filmmakers thought of making “C-Span in Space”, with worse dialog.

But Finn never had problems killing soldiers? He never had issues before, through years and years of training. What he couldn’t handle in the movie, the reason he left, is that he wasn’t fighting soldiers, or the “enemy” (Resistance), he was told to butcher civilians.

I generally agree, but I have to object to this:

If they were real kids, the Prequels would be the “Affluenza teen”, and Lucas is the crazy mom who threw them a going away party and sneaked them off to Mexico.

It seems like George made the prequels, they were criticized* so he went “Well, let’s see if you can do it better!” And if you’ve ever done something like that, at first you’re supportive of the person while secretly hoping they’re going to fuck it all up worse than you did so you can play sympathetic while inwardly

Right? I always laugh at the trashing of fans. It is total bullshit and the “artist” is a lying hypocrit.

Agreed. Lucas has made it all about him (“it’s MY story... I want to tell it MY way...the fans have been too hard on ME...”) and has forgotten what movie making is about (making great art that entertains people). That attitude is 100% apparent in the prequels. He made his actors deliver their lines in the most wooden

It’s called space opera, but people don’t actually realize it’s actually a soap opera and it’s all about family problems—it’s not about spaceships.

Remember, George, we’re not just doing this for money... We’re doing it for a SHITLOAD of money!

Lets just count our lucky stars that he no longer has any control whatsoever over the franchise.

I understand why he’s bitter, but I also understand why my kids throw tantrums. It still doesn’t make them correct behavior. He refuses to accept that he made a tremendous misstep in the development of the prequels, and that he got into bed with a company that took steps to rectify those mistakes.

Disney and Abrams did on their first attempt out of the gate what he couldn’t do with all three prequel films, they made us care even more about the Star Wars universe than we did before.

I understand why he's pissy, but gaddamn how could he not have realized that nobody gave a shit about his asenine space politics?

I don’t imagine Lucas was happy that The Force Awakens very consciously tried to be an anti-prequel. I remember there being a behind the scenes teaser before the film was released that emphasized the real sets and practical effects and the fact that they were using actual film — something that a movie typically

I’m not one to defend George Lucas usually, but you have to look at one thing from his perspective. The Force Awakens is a huge hit. It’s fun and while it might be a fan service film to a large degree it also gave us some new characters that we’ve instantly fallen in love with and new worlds to explore and basically