
Good. Fuck him. Torturing animals should be illegal.

People don’t seem to get that these are desperation trades by staff who are just trying to get the next contract...of course, no rational person would make this trade...but look at it this way, if it works and there is a magical eastern conference championship in it, how much more likely is it that the GM gets to stay

I am down to following 14 people as a result...I purged almost my entire feed due to that stupidity...

Here is what I don’t get...I don’t get why we expect people to genuinly feel sorry for stuff that they clearly aren’t going to feel sorry, I expect she learned a lesson...the lesson being that it’s bad PR and illegal to take pictures in bathooms and then mock them...but why on earth would you expect her to

Never ever ever buy something like this...paypal lets you launch a dispute over 180 days...if the Model whatever comes out seven months from now and the seller says “Meh, screw you”, you have zero recourse. they do in Japan or the UK? Oh wait, they don’t have mass shootings every other fucking day.

LOL - You know where my high school diploma is? I ripped it in two and threw it into the garbage. I have real degrees. A high school graduation is just about the least impressive thing I can imagine. I didn’t want to go to my own graduation let alone would want my father to skip out on thousands of dollars to sit

You’re kidding right? Leicester winning the EPL was 100 billion to one. It was a ridiculous feat over 38 games from in a league where like only four teams had ever won a title. It would be the equivalent of the lowest payroll MLB team winning 120 games and sweeping every series in the playoffs.

These people need a VP of common sense to advise on these decisions...did Player (who looks like an utter asswipe with this letter) really think he’d come off looking like the good guy after this?

The Democrats (who I would vote for) are not solving the problem because the problem has no solution. Manufacturing jobs are NEVER returning because Americans will not work for the wages available in Vietnam or China and Americans won’t pay the high prices that would be required to pay those workers anyway vis a vis

Wait...are you suggesting that despite there not having been a major naval battle in more than a half century that multi-billion dollar submarines aren’t a good use of money? Lunacy my friend! Lunacy!

You can certainly make the case of rules changes and such having an effect...but, by and large, it is lunacy to think the New England Patriots of 2016 would do anything less than annhilate the 1960 Eagles by ludicrous scores...or that GSW wouldn’t kill the Lakers teams of the 80's...

I am going to be snarky know what is also ok? realizing that EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. MADE. SINCE. THE. DAWN. OF. THE. INTERNET. GETS. PATCHES.

I have the solution. Any four or five star recruit should sign a scholarship only on the condition that the school cannot bar any transfers. If the top athletes did this, it would immediately end this silliness. There is no way a top team is turning away a top recruit over a clause like that.

I have a weird relationship with dubs...I watch the english dub of Kiki, Howl and Spirited Away but subtitled everything else...having said that, I can’t watch Laputa because the Japanese screeching SHEEETAAAAA is unbearable.

Being average for 10 years must mean something different in Cincinnati than it does elswhere, it seams.

I love self delusion...I really do...dude with OPS+ of 99 for his time in Cincinnati thinks he’s Babe f’ing Ruth.

Gal Gadot is Israeli, which means she’s Jewish - what? Not 100% of Israeli citizens are’s about 75%

I gotta ask...idol for what? Being a souless robot pitchman engineered from birth to be boring and good at golf? I honestly don’t get it. He’s not some self made man like Bill Gates who had an idea and turned it into billions, he’s a super fucked up weird dude who was forced to be a golfer by his crazy father and

Salesman says product he sells is good, news at 11. While I enjoy making fun of people as much as the next guy, what would you expect him to say? My client sucks at the worst possible time and nobody should throw dumptrucks full of money at him?