
The problem is 1) unpaid internships benefit only those already wealthy enough to forgo, you know, getting paid 2) MLB is a comically wealthy group of people who routinely pillage the public purse to enrich themselves AND think it’s ok to get people to work for them for free. This response is disgusting, that’s what’s

A propos of nothing, Donald Gibb (aka Ogre) is a super nice dude in person!

So, why bother? Here’s the thing I’ve never understood...if I spend $50 on you and you spend $50 on me, frankly I’d rather just not go through the sister thinks this way and it’s maddening...Christmas would be a lot more efficient if it acted as a wealth transfer to children from parents and kids under 13

Nope...they miss two paychecks, you quit and move on with your life...why go through the hassle of a lawyer, an endless lawsuit and so on...never ever ever wait “months” to get paid...

LOL - I pirate movies I own all the time. I can play the files on my PC or tablet, I don’t have to hunt for the DVD or skip through trailers or menus. A digital file is 100X more convenient than tuning in or DVR’ing it or even using a DVD.

Do you know anything about torrents? Your question is equivalent to wondering how people cross the street without getting killed by traffic. You take ten seconds to learn the rules and you’re good. There is no danger of a virus if you’ve got more than six brain cells and a modicum of common sense.

I think you’re reading too much into a situation we know little about...but let’s discuss some facts...His “education” was worthless...he almost certainly died broke through mis-management of his (relatively) meager NFL earnings from three years on a rookie contract...i.e. It’s just as likely he woke up one morning

I get what you are saying, but I am not checking valuable stuff. If the airline loses my checked back with $10,000 worth of camera gear, I get like $500 in compensation. Sure, most people bring way too much crap on an airplane but there are lots of valid reasons to bring stuff with you that you don’t need on the

Exactly. Pewdiepie is like X people entering a coin flipping contest...somebody has to hit 20 in a row and win, doesn’t make them a genius. He bought a lottery ticket and won, wonderful for him but let’s not pretend it’s anything beyond that.

The electoral college is not like an institution, it’s 538 people tasked with doing a job and then disband once the job is done. The electoral college was created for the express purpose of overturning a horrible choice. If it exists simply to validate election results then it has no reason to exist, if it exists to

LOL - I already have no idea when anything airs, 99% of shows take random breaks (sometimes months in between eps) and tv execs are baffled why people binge watch shows after they air...this is idiotic...I mean, their choice, but are people really going to care in 2018? I doubt it.

I guess? I mean sure, the tilt shift will sortof work but it also exposes your sensor to dust and weather...sure the panorama will work but your subject has to remain perfectly acheive a sorta bokeh effect that’s pretty minor? I mean, honestly, just get a 50mm 1.8 for a couple hundred bucks....

You know why the English don’t make computers? They couldn’t find a way to make them leak oil.

Why would Megyn Kelly like Santa anyway? He’s basically a communist...he gives out valuable consumer goods for free...that’s about as anti-capitalist as it gets.

Right, it’s from Dark Forces...with Kyle Katarn as the protagonist.

Why? Except for Struzan, every single piece of art in the post is garbage.

You can do this by hand while in the package...takes four seconds.

Maybe learn the law before spouting nonsense...there is nothing in the original owners photo that would prevent her from selling prints or the image for use in an ad. Even if the original image is still under copyright (which I doubt), there are no cases of anyone defending that copyright in decades which, under the

Think of it this way, why should you have to sit around and wait for the UPS guy to come get it? Why should you take the risk of making your house more theft friendly if you just leave it on the front porch? i.e to return it requires effort that you are not compensated for.

Was he really though? He led a dirt poor tiny island that aside from the missile crisis had basically had no effect on human history in 45 years. Nobody ascribes to his ideology, he has no followers, nobody will miss him. I think he had vrey little impact on anything, frankly.