
You don’t think LBJ isn’t the “help” now? He’s well paid help, but never forget he’s the help. As is every single athlete on earth who doesn’t own the team.

“I don’t recall the specifics of that,” he told me. “I can say definitively that I don’t recall the specific incident that you’re referring to.”- Because that’s how normal people deny something that never happened. lol. Is there any more definite “that totally happened” than PR nonsense speak used to deny something?

Right, but you shouldn’t drink urine under any circumstances as it dehydrates you more than it hydrates you and is, by definition, a bodily waste product...i.e. if Bear Gryllis suggests drinking urine, he’s an idiot.

I am honestly not sure why this is a thing, in what situation does the sterility or lack thereof of a bodily waste product matter to an individual?

You get a lot of emergency phone calls mid-loud concert? I always love this BS excuse, as if, there is some huge number of “emergencies” that force people to leave mid-concert....I don’t doubt it happens, but I do think you can go 2 hours without access to your know, the way that everyone did for all but

LOL - So on a 200 guest wedding, on top of being paid, I am supposed to tip the coat check people $200-$400?

Once you’ve got your boarding pass, how on earth do you get an upgrade? i.e. it’s got your seat on it. I have never seen somebody upgraded past check-in.

Right, and the guy with a career OPS+ of 108 (under 100, in 6 of last 8 years) and a WAR of like 5 in the last six years is super helpful to his team....dude, clearly isn’t hanging on to get hits and avoid walks like the plague.

LOL - You show up 15 min late for an interview with me and you’re done as a candidate. There is no excuse for showing up 30 min late. None.

? Spades is a) easy to master b) poor man’s bridge c) not complicated in the’s a fun game and I am happy to play it, but let’s not turn it into something it isn’t.

LOL - Right, lots of arcades where you live?

Yah rich student

I always love the recurring “photo or demo of tiny kid who weighs forty pounds” and has black belt/whatever and the newsy presumption that said kid would win a real fight against even the most untrained adult....height/weight make a HUGE difference in a real fight...this kid would die inside 30 seconds.

You mean you didn’t like that the “how to eat Korean BBQ” video was hosted by a white hispter douchebag? I am shocked!

If you’re in public, anyone can take your picture...

I guess...I dunno...maybe I am a jerk, but it seems to me that if you don’t like a critical ingredient (and raw eggs are a critical ingredient in a real Ceasar) then maybe eat something else...blending up eight million calori cashews just seems like more effort than “make another kind of salad” to me.

Honestly, I’d have taken the $500 gift a consumer, I absolutely value the “wisdom of the masses” but you also gotta look out for you...a YELP review for a business you’ll never use again does you, frankly, no good...a $500 gift card at least compensates you somewhat...and, hopefully, should spur this

Right, and you’re a’s ok to be a jerk, just accept you’re an inconsiderate jerk.

Because you need a 9000 calorie meal? A Burrito is already the size of a football and 1000+ calories as need more stuff?

soo a week?