
If you’re thawing the night before why not salt the steak then on a wire rack over a plate or sheet pan? That dries out the surface and pulls what salt that will get absorbed in. The trick to the entire method in the article is the inside warms up slower. Generally that means steak stays juicier. I probably wouldn’t

I’ve actually seen videos of this on YouTube and after that explanation, I still don’t understand what they meant.

When I worked at an Italian restaurant, we used dry spaghetti to light a burner if it wouldn’t come on. It burned nice and slow and was always around. Now I do that at home to light pilot lights instead of using those really long matches.

You can also twist a paper towel or any paper really tightly, so it’s long and

At one point they were putting transcripts. But that didn’t last long. I guess we read faster than a video, so it didn’t help the metrics.

Took my mother and dad on cruises for her 60th and 65th birthdays. They were fantastic for them. Not too much time in any place they hated and plenty of free classes, contests, movies and shows so you don’t get bored. My parents were never the lay around by the pool types, but if being a lump is your thing, the cruise

79 Plymouth Volare Coupe had paint so bad that every panel was a different color of red, pink or oxidized white until I buffed it out twice a year. That was the Screaming Mimi.

67 Ford Mustang, red with a straight 6, named after a GF: Teena Marie

69 Mach 1 Mustang: Charisma, because everyone looked when I drove by.

Myself as the driver, but I got better once I was no longer a teenager.

Fanta is and has been huge in certain areas of the US. They tried to go mainstream just before the big crash in 2008 with the Fanta girls. I think they called them the Fantas. Fanta was what we got after track meets because we couldn’t afford coke and all that fancy stuff back in the 80s.

We had monthly safety meetings and guest speakers would sometimes come in. A highway patrol officer came in one day and did the presentation. At the end, he went over how they are trained to adjust the side mirrors if you don’t have those fisheye mirrors already.

For the driver side mirror lean over until your head

Putting the lid outside in the sun will eventually bleach that out. If you’re not afraid of bleach, you can soak it overnight is water with a little bleach. 90% of the stains will come out. 

You can actually have metal in a microwave as long as it’s thick and doesn’t have sharp edges. Mine is about 1000 years old and has a metal rack that elevates the food so I can microwave two things at once. And those microwave lids work great for the splatters.

I was taught since a kid to brush, spit and then try not to eat or drink for at least half a n hour after. Longer is better so you don’t rinse off the things restoring your teeth.

Use graphite all the time. Plus you don’t end up with as much dirt and dust buildup inside the lock over time.

This has probably been mentioned somewhere else in the replies, but this was a fantastic read: Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil by Tom Meuller.

If I’m cooking in it or heating it, I use an olive oil blend. If I’m not heating it and still want those peppery, volatile compounds, I use an

Some of the warehouse clubs and supermarkets have frozen pork riblet sandwiches. If I want a “McRib”, I just get one of those, add pickles and onions to my heart’s desire. Then I can add my BBQ sauce of choice without it being the obscene amount that gets on your hands, face, car, the neighbor’s dog and half the

It’s been like a billion years since I worked at Taco Bell, but when I did, the pizza wasn’t that hard to make. Just put the things together, slap it in that little oven thing to melt the cheese while making everything else on the order. Put the little box in the bigger box and off it goes. It was really rare to have

How do I remove my old or expired cards or other information from my Google account? 

Sue Grafton’s protagonist, Kinsey Millhone, in the alphabet mystery series eats PB and pickle sandwiches. That is where I first heard about this. It was a few books before it became clear it was Bread & Butter pickles, so sweetish pickles. Tried it with some coworkers and it’s fine. Pickles basically replace the

I think they get by on this one because it’s stuffing “mix”. You can stuff it in the bird but you don’t have too. I like both ways, but having it under the spatchcocked bird is the best. You get the dripping in it and the crispy browned bits too. 

Will this name actually work? The XFL had the New York Guardians and names are usually trademark protected. I am willing to be Vince McMahon is talking to his lawyers right now trying to get some of that baseball money in lawsuit.