
How are things going so far in the Uncharted 2 multiplayer? I just finished the single-player and now have to decide whether it's worth my time to start playing multiplayer now, or move on to yet another game on my long list.

@Freyar: Yeah I know, I can't explain how the hell that is allowed in a just world but that's the way it is. I actually DID want to go back at some point with my roommate, but now they've assured that I'll be selling it on ebay instead. Pretty dumb move if you ask me, but you didn't so nevermind. :) #ps3

@Freyar: Like notquitedeadyet said, HDD's are super cheap right now. I just upgraded mine last week to a Seagate 500GB, and it cost me $70! I'll never need to delete saves or installs again!

Handing over his movies to sign reminds me of the punchline to a Mitch Hedberg joke:

@dowingba: I had midichlorians (sp?) written at first, but I made the same decision as exion and concluded they fell under the "nanomachines" banner. :)

@dowingba: Nanomachines, coma dream, magic: the holy trinity of plot resolutions. Anything can be explained with one of those things!

I haven't been on this site for a few days because the new way they were handling the front page was INSANE, so forgive me if I'm late on this but I must say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for changing back to the pages format on the front page! Gah!

@ManekiNeko: Yes Quest for Booty was a shorter download-only semi-sequel, and it was pretty good. It's on sale for $9.99 on PSN right now, I think. I don't know if you can download to PC.

@SacGamer: You can do this, through the profile settings. Doesn't anyone check settings options around here? :) Click your name up top, then click Settings, and choose "Show hidden threads". Done and done. #talkamongstyourselves

@electroshockwave: In the profile settings you do have the option of choosing between oldest or newest first, I just changed mine on friday so I know this to be true.

@Dante_Ravenkin: I used to be exclusively IGN back in the early 00's and high school, before they started making large swaths of content for "insiders" only. It was ridiculous, and I stopped going entirely. I then frequented 1Up until a friend of mine told me he gets most of his video game info from Kotaku. I looked

@dmexs: I disagree, The Marshall Mathers LP is the pinnacle in my eyes...or ears. It's been downhill from there.

1) I'm sure others must have said this but I can't be bothered to scroll through all the previous comments: how do you have the Renegade Edition and not include "Renegade"? I mean, what the hell kind of sick joke is that?

@kevldulf: I bought my friend's DS lite off of him for $30, complete with car charger and carrying case! Gotta love the friend discounts. :)

@ChickenPawks: There's even a demo for it, on PSN, it's pretty good and nicely updated so check it out.

Both of those games were already Day 1 purchases for me, and now they're adding more value by giving me a REASON to use Home? Can't scoff at free content and games, right? (Though I'm sure many people will.)

It starts off really slow but about halfway through it gets pretty awesome. The dialogue is hokey, the acting is stiff, the characters are cliches, and everyone has a dark secret from their past that haunts them to this very day. Also, the Metal Gears look like high school biology experiments with guns attached to