
The other thing is...these dudes are not just fucking any woman they stumble across

Your feelings are legitimate and appropriate reactions to something of this nature.

Thanks! I really was wondering. So it’s The Secret covered in Christian wrapping paper, with a dash of Hoodoo curses?

don’t receive it when somebody threatens you with ‘Everybody’s getting the flu!’

The first time I got influenza—I was like, oh holy crap, all those other illnesses were just really bad viruses. The actual influenza does not fuck around and it is unbelievable.

I’ve only missed the flu shot twice; both years, I came down with the flu. The first time I was afraid I was going to die. The second time... honestly, the second time I was afraid I wasn’t going to die. I was sick for nearly two weeks. After that all passed, the respiratory symptoms lingered, for a solid month longer.

I fucking hate religion.

I know, but I wanted to pile on.

Theory: Elon keeps getting back together with Amber to collect data to clone her into the Perfect Amber for Elon.

Your grandma’s pressure cooker probably lacked the benefit of several decades of safety and technology innovations.

You say that like it’s a curse instead of a benediction. That’s where the heroes went.

Can we stop with the Clinton shit. She is no longer news. She is not the president. She is not actively destroying our country. She is a flawed person who has made a fair amount of stupid decisions in her life. She has also been attacked relentlessly for her mistakes. And also for everything else she has ever done. It

Yes, it would have been better.

Gee, I wonder why.

I’ve spent years avoiding The Secret. My damn boss left a copy of The Secret on my desk last week. This was after I told her that I wouldn’t read the book and cracked a joke about a vision board. I’ll admit that I could use some improvement when it comes to self-doubt and negative thought, but no thanks.

Less GOOP and less GOP in 2018.

They may be set dressing, but boy are they sure good at giving concerned glances.

If you pull your pants down in public, you waive the right to be insulted by observations.

When I saw that you wrote this headline (and subsequent article), I heard “Only YOU can cover Megyn Kelly Today” in the voice of Smokey the Bear. So there’s that. Love you Bobby! Never stop never stopping.

He has Putin..