John Bastion

Have you seen the latest Out Of Control Man mini-series? It's super badass and really set the scene for the upcoming cross over!

Wrong! It's dyslexic Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

*is at a loss for words*

The 2016 Grammy Awards
"Please watch, we're still relevant we swear!"

People always try to say "It's SO easy to drink!"
NO! No it is not! Even the scent of it makes me want to gag, plus it's so sugary and sweet I just feel miserable if I do manage to choke it down.

Actually pretty great, Friday I caught up with some shows (Review and Master of None can now be crossed off the list), played some video games, and worked on some silly art projects.

I was going to ask a girl for her number this weekend and she beat me to the punch, it was so goddamn sexy. Also I felt like I was in an alternate dimension.

The A.V. Club
Yes I am white.

How do you feel about revolving doors?
They never really "open"
Do they even count as doors?

I was debating whether it's even worth showing her any of the prequels. She says she wants to watch them all before the new movie, but maybe I can just show her Phantom Menace after the original trilogy and she'll change her tude.

I don't care much for turn based RPGs, so if this is in the vein of Kingdom Hearts gameplay (which it seems it is) I will be 100% all over this. If we're being honest I've never played the original. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!

It gets a lot of shit, but to be honest even listing the games I have for it kind of justified it in my eyes. Almost every game you listed has been on my radar so it's good to hear some support. I'm actually surprised to hear the praise of New Super Mario Bro. U, for some reason I just had no interest in it. I'll have

OH! And if anyone has any interest in the new NBC branded comedy streaming network (what a mouthful…), SeeSo, they have a free beta going on right now at . They don't have all the content available but the first three episodes of three of their original shows are up [UCB, Cyanide and Happiness, and SAMMY

I have watched many a show this weekend…
I finally finished Review season 2 (which is now on Hulu! go check it out!) which went off on a delightfully insane note. I really want a 3rd season from this, fingers crossed. I also finally got around to watching the second half of Master of None and I have to say, despite my

*takes off shirt and spins it around head*

*throws football around*

Todd is one of my absolute favorites, I would love to see him on the show!

That's a Queens of the Stone Age song! IT'S ALL CONNECTED!

Reading that last paragraph was like looking in to my soul. On the bright side, it makes me feel a little better there are others. Yay Catholicism! Now, if you'll excuse me I can feel the overwhelming guilt coming on.

I think you and I are the only two people who actually enjoyed using the tank, I never see anything else but complaints.