John Bastion

Wow! I thought I had a lot at 300ish… According to the steam calculator only 37% of my games are unplayed! How many I've actually finished…that's another story entirely.

The two go hand in hand.

Now all we have is RedBox.

You beat me to the line by this much!
*holds fingers dangerously close together*

Porn had so much more artistic integrity back then, before Big Porn came in and started taking out the little guys. Now it's just soulless.

I'm with you there, I like a lot of the people in the cast but I watched the first 2 episodes and decided the show is not for me.

Hey, when someone says the title of the show wrong I have to correct them! It's what Benny Schwaz would want.

The one with him and Matt Besser is pretty good, Matt just shits on Armen the whole time.


Wanda Sykes and Ken Marino to guest star on House of Pies season five

I haven't! They do some smaller tastings in other locations around the same time but the same huge line issue comes up and it just disappears before I get a chance. One of these days I'm going to make the pilgrimage and pay my respects.

I'm also from SoCal! There were a couple places I could check and sometimes luck out and they would have Pliny. They always kept it in the back though and you had to ask for it so it was kind of a pain in the ass.

Pliny the Elder, sweet nectar of the gods!
My roommate is from up in that area so when she goes home she usually brings some back. It's glorious.

Pretty busy, Saturday I spent the morning installing my new CPU fan so I can overclock my desktop PC since it's getting up there in age. Still in the market for a new graphics card but I'm still waiting on a good deal for that.

Loras Tyrell

A petition?! Look out, they're really serious this time!

Sundays are typically my busiest TV day:
Bob's Burgers
Last Man on Earth
Last Week Tonight
Rick and Morty


MacGruber series or GTFO!

He's more grump than man!
*high pitched scream*